

One of the most difficult tasks when learning DBT is finding good datasets that update over time. This project uses DBT to generate fake data that will update daily. With simple commands, we can generate a history of data. Then, we can update the data each day to mimic a real company. This data is enough to practice incremental tables and snapshots.

This project is in early stages, with just three tables; companies_base, employees_base and enterprise_orders_base. Right now, we can add new records each day, but existing records will never change. Future enhancements will include:

This should work on most databases. See macros/xdb_random.sql to see how the random macro is applied in various dbs. If it does not work for a specific database, please open an issue.

Generating Fake Data

Load the seed data:

Load a history:

All models support the following optional arguments

example: Create records starting 2023-01-01 and ending 2023-08-20. 0-3 companies, 0-10 employees
dbt build -s tag:base-table --vars '{start_date: "2023-01-01", end_date: "2023-08-20"}'

example: Create records starting 2023-01-01 and ending 2023-08-20. 1-3 companies per day, 1-10 employees per day
dbt build -s tag:base-table --vars '{start_date: "2023-01-01", end_date: "2023-08-20", allow_zero: false}'

example: Create company records for 2023-01-01 and ending 2023-08-20, 1-20 employees per day
dbt build -s employees_base --vars '{start_date: "2023-01-01", end_date: "2023-08-20", num_records: 20, allow_zero: false}'

example: Create a ton of orders around Christmas time dbt build -s enterprise_orders_base --vars '{start_date: "2022-12-15", end_date: "2022-12-21", num_records: 50, allow_zero: false}'

Load daily records:

example: Create records for yesterday. 0-3 companies, 0-10 employees
dbt build -s tag:base-table

example: Load companies for yesterday with 1-3 companies
dbt build -s companies_base --vars '{num_records: 3, allow_zero=false}'

example: Load employees for yesterday with 0-3 employees
dbt build -s companies_base --vars '{num_records: 3}'

Ways to Use this Project

First, do the free DBT tutorials. They are short and very good. They will teach the basics of DBT, even if they do not have data that updates every day. Start with fundamentals, then materializations, then jinja and macros.

Once you understand the basics. Get this project running in your own environment or in DBT cloud. Start building models and fixing things. Practice stuff you want to learn.

In general, the output tables are intended to be sources in another project. A good practice is to keep this project completely separate and create a sources.yml in your own project. With this method, you can still modify this project if the output data does not meet your needs. That being said, you own your own learning journey, use this project however you see fit.

To see documentation on each table, look in *_base.yml or run:

Challenges to Get Started

How data was created:

In order to generate daily-updated records, we need a generic source of records to pull from. In this case we used Python and Faker. Faker makes it easy to generate random entities, with often-funny results, like a "canned tuna" product under the childrens category.

For each entity, we generated 10,000 random rows in a CSV file. These CSV files are loaded as seeds by DBT. From there, we use SQL with a whole lot of inefficent queries and rand(). Fake_dates and fake_numbers exist to make the queries a little more efficient.

DBT DAG with seeds

To see the code, run scripts/generate_fake_entities.ipynb using Jupyter. To run the code, you will need to install Faker and faker-commerce.

pip install faker faker-commerce