

GraphQL Persisted Document Loader

Webpack loader that assigns a documentId to a compiled GraphQL document's AST.


When dealing with persisted documents in GraphQL, tools like PersistGraphQL generate a map from query to id that helps you determine the id for a given document and send that to the server instead of the full query string. This is useful to optimize the payload sent to the server, and also to allow the server to not parse and validate those queries, and also to optimize them particularly since the server now knows which queries the client will send.

However, on the client we still need to load up this map of queries to ids, which may become too big to load in one shot if your app has quite some queries. Moreover, if you are using code splitting, you'll be loading a file that includes queries for sections of your app that may never be executed or loaded.

To solve this problem, this loader works after the graphql-tag loader by injecting the document id as a property to the compiled AST, so you can access it directly when importing/requiring the document. This effectively co-locates the id with the query, and you no longer need a big lookup map to get the id for a particular query document.

Installation and setup

You need to have the graphql-tag (>= v2.8.0) package installed.

First install this package

npm install --save-dev graphql-persisted-document-loader

Then in the webpack configuration, add the loader BEFORE the graphql-tag/loader:

Note: This loader currently only works for .graphql files. It does not work for gql calls within JS files.

module.exports = {
  // ...,
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.graphql$/, use: [
          { loader: 'graphql-persisted-document-loader' }, // <= Before graphql-tag/loader!
          { loader: 'graphql-tag/loader' }


When importing or requiring .graphql files, you'll have the documentId property accessible from the imported object:

import query from 'query.graphql';
// OR
const query = require('query.graphql');

console.log(query.documentId); // => 5eef6cd6a52ee0d67bfbb0fdc72bbbde4d70331834eeec95787fe71b45f0a491

Loader options