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Apache Mesos backend for Dask scheduling library. Run distributed python dask workflows on your Mesos cluster.

Notable Features


Prerequisits: satyr, dask, toolz. All of them should be installed w/ the following commands:

pip install dask.mesos or use lensa/dask.mesos Docker image



from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from daskos import mesos, MesosExecutor

@mesos(cpus=0.1, mem=64)
def add(x, y):
    """Run add on mesos with specified resources"""
    return x + y

@mesos(cpus=0.3, mem=128, image='lensa/daskos')
def mul(x, y):
    """Run mul on mesos in specified docker image"""
    return x * y

with MesosExecutor(name='dask') as executor:
    """This context handles Mesos scheduler's lifecycle"""
    a, b = 23, 89
    alot = add(a, b)
    gigalot = mul(alot, add(10, 2))

    gigalot.compute(get=executor.get)  # (a + b) * (10 + 2)
    executor.compute([alot, gigalot])  # list of futures

Configuring daskos Tasks

You can configure your mesos tasks in your decorator, currently the following options are available:

Both mem and cpus are defaults to some low values set in satyr so you're encouraged to override them here. More options like constraints, other resources are on the way.