


Repository for adding Lens Protocol collect, follow and reference modules.

To have your module added to Lens Testnet or Mainnet please open a PR and follow the instructions here: #TODO


  1. npm install
  2. If you also want to use Foundry - follow the Foundry installation instructions here.


This repository contains both - Hardhat and Foundry tests. Foundry will be used for all future modules, and existing modules will be migrated to Foundry testing suite.


  1. npm run test will compile and run the Hardhat tests suite


  1. forge test will compile and run the Foundry tests suite.

Foundry tests against forks

  1. Edit TESTING_FORK .env variable to be one of mainnet/testnet/sandbox and fill the rest of .env (FOUNDRY section)
  2. If a module is already deployed and its address exists in addresses.json - tests will be run against that deployment. If there is no module in json - a new local instance of the module will be deployed. Remove the module key from addresses.json if you want to force testing a local module deployment.
  3. Run forge test to fork the chosen network and test against existing LensHub contracts.


  1. Make sure to fill in the .env using .env.example (the Foundry section). You can specify either a MNEMONIC or a single PRIVATE_KEY (make sure to include both variables, even if one of them is an empty string)
  2. Run deployment script with a command like bash script/deploy-module.sh testnet StepwiseCollectModule from the project root folder (e.g. to deploy StepwiseCollectModule on testnet).
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify if everything is correct and confirm deployment & contract verification.
  4. If only the verification is needed of an existing deployed contract - use the --verify-only flag followed by ABI-Encoded constructor args.

Deployement addresses in addresses.json

The addresses.json file in root contains all existing deployed contracts on all of target environments (mainnet/testnet/sandbox) on corresponding chains. After a succesful module deployment the new address will be added to addresses.json, overwriting the existing one (the script will ask for confirmation if you want to redeploy an already existing deployment).


  1. npm run coverage for Hardhat coverage report
  2. forge coverage for Foundry coverage report


Collect modules

Follow modules

Reference modules