

Angular tRPC Client 🚀


Table of Contents

Inspiration 💡

This project was inspired by the amazing work of Dafnik/ngx-trpc and @analogjs/trpc. It builds upon the same principles of type-safe API communication and seamless Angular integration, with added features such as WebSocket subscriptions.

Disclaimer ⚠️

Since the REQUEST token is reintroduced in v19, this library is compatible only with that version.

This project is a work in progress. Features and APIs may change as development continues. Use at your own risk, and expect frequent updates. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!

Getting Started 🚀

To start using the Angular tRPC Client in your project, install it via npm:

npm i ngx-trpc

Step 1: Create a Global Injection Token

First, define a global injection token using the AppRouter type from your tRPC backend. This will allow you to inject your tRPC client throughout your Angular app.

import { createTrpcInjectionToken } from 'ngx-trpc';

export const TRPC = createTrpcInjectionToken<AppRouter>();

Step 2: Add tRPC Configuration to app.config.ts

Next, provide the tRPC client and httpClient in your app.config.ts file. (example)

import { provideTrpc } from 'ngx-trpc';

provideTrpc(TRPC, { options })

Step 3: Use Queries as RxJS Observables in Components

You can now use the TRPC injection token to call tRPC queries as RxJS observables inside your components. Here's an example of how to call the hello query.

import { TRPC } from '../path/to/injection-token';

  selector: 'app-demo',
  template: '{{ demoQuery$ | async | json }}',
export class DemoComponent {
  readonly trpc = inject(TRPC);
  readonly demoQuery$ = this.trpc.hello.query();

Known Issues