

Cleave ES6

ES6 port of https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js

Same features, except no phone or credit card support Many PR have been reviewed and added

Demo: https://codepen.io/lekoalabe/pen/eYPvbax

What about react and angular ?

I don't see the point of supporting specific frameworks when you can have a custom element that works really well :-)

The custom element provides :


Please refer to original docs for now https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/tree/master/doc or check the demo.html for sample usage

Included PR

Add new option 'numeralDecimalPadding' (on blur only) https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/707

Fix duplicate numbers are entered when input number with microsoft pinyin https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/663

feature: strict positive number https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/660

Add support for hexademical only characters https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/643

Add support for datetime fields (date and time in same field) https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/637/

Fix Ctrl+X behavior in read-only inputs https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/633

Add first character uppercase option (renamed to ucfirst) https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/623

Numeral decimal mark https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/619/

Patch prefix containing decimal (numeralDecimalMark) https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/619

Fix backspace bug when next delimiter partially match previous https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/pull/579

Limit input chars https://github.com/nosir/cleave.js/issues/680

But I want credit card and phone support!

Well, I think there are better libs out there

You can check out my other library https://github.com/lekoala/formidable-elements for more :-)