


Bot script for PES2017 simulator mode using PS4 Macro.

This project will end with new version of PES 2019. PES 2019 release date for PS4 is August 30 (source).



Demo Video



Available versions

Install & Compile

  1. From PS4 Macro, copy the file PS4MacroAPI.dll to [repository root]\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\dll
  2. Compile the solution


  1. Open PS4Macro.PES2018Lite.dll in PS4 Macro.
  2. Press play

Scenario level up and down

Name 4 teams :

In "class ManageTeamScreen", you have to adjust (X, Y) coordinates with your club length name, specifically the X. The RecMap to adjsut are :

In "class ManageTeamScreen", you have to modify the method "SwitchTeam" to adjust the number of "digital pad down" to apply to select each team.

Translate another version

I give you an example for "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png":

  1. If file is named like "XXXFocus.png", it means that is a focused part of the file "XXX.png". In this example, "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png" is a part of "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClub.png".
  2. You have to make the screenshot of your PES version as same as possible of "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClub.png".
  3. Search which C# file uses the screenshot "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png" :arrow_right: PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\Root\LaunchMyClub.cs
  4. Find the RectMap using this picture :arrow_right: myClubFocus
            private static RectMap myClubFocus = new RectMap()
                ID = "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png",
                X = 62,
                Y = 322,
                Width = 75,
                Height = 25,
                Hash = 9220964140883935103
  5. Case "XXX.png" :
    1. Take the picture as it is.
  6. Case "XXXFocus.png" :
    1. Crop the picture to have the "Focus" version
    2. Take coordonate of the focus part : X, Y is for the left-upper corner of area to crop.
    3. Take size of the focus part : Width, Height is for the width and height of area to crop.
  7. This picture, is the one to use with de PS4Macro tools to compute checksum.
  8. Update the attribute "Hash" in the RectMap with your own checksum .

Now, the program is updated with your own screenshot.

To-Do List


