


A tool for creating WorldOption.sav and applying the PalWorldSettings.ini for dedicated servers

I also created a web version of this tool: https://palworldoptions.com/


BaseCampWorkerMaxNum in PalWorldSettings.ini doesn't load on dedicated servers.
However there is a workaround!

Placing WorldOption.sav with a modified BaseCampWorkerMaxNum in your dedicated server save will apply the configured BaseCampWorkerMaxNum.
However PalWorldSettings.ini will be ignored!
This tool will create a WorldOption.sav with your PalWorldSettings.ini applied to it

Using the EXE

WorldOption.sav created via the exe can be used for windows and/or linux dedicated servers



If you want to call the EXE from a script add the --script flag to make it non-interactive

Using the Scripts

The exe should work for most people. If you're running linux you can run the tool via the scripts

Python 3.10 or later
Linux Users will also need to install uesave

Help Dialog

usage: palworld-worldoptions [-h] [--uesave UESAVE] [--output OUTPUT]

Creates a worldoptions.sav file for dedicated servers

positional arguments:
  settings_file    location of the PalWorldSettings.ini

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --uesave UESAVE  uesave file location
  --output OUTPUT  output directory for WorldOption.sav
  --script         Don't ask for input when using the exe


legoduded@desktop:~/palworld-worldoptions/src$ python3 main.py /mnt/g/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/PalWorldSettings.ini --uesave ~/.cargo/bin/uesave --output /mnt/g/PalServer/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0/8FAEE1FC44A4A5032BC92F8BCFD43AE3
Found settings
Found uesave
Converting JSON

Converted /mnt/g/pal/steamcmd/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0/8FAEE1FC44A4A5032BC92F8BCFD43AE3/WorldOption.sav.json to /mnt/g/pal/steamcmd/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0/8FAEE1FC44A4A5032BC92F8BCFD43AE3/WorldOption.sav
Restart your palworld server to apply the changes


Major shout out to cheahjs for creating the inital tool to extract and compress the palworld data