

Motherplate: A Responsive SCSS Boilerplate for Web Designers

Preview: https://leemunroe.github.io/motherplate/example.html

What is this?

This is a bare bones HTML/CSS framework. This is what I'll typically start off most web projects with.

It includes a CSS reset and a bunch of minimal boilerplate styles that should come in useful for any project, including a responsive grid, typography, buttons, icons and forms.

It is not as in depth as something like <a href="https://html5boilerplate.com/">HTML5 Boilerplate</a> and doesn't include styled components like <a href="https://getbootstrap.com/">Bootstrap</a>.

It can be used for a static web project as is, or you can copy the CSS folder into an existing framework (e.g. Rails).


How to Use

This will vary depending on the framework you are using. The following is how to for a basic static website.

Install Node.js and use Grunt

Motherplate uses SCSS. This particular repo uses Grunt to compile the SCSS to CSS and NPM to manage external dependencies like FontAwesome and Normalize.

You will need Node.js.

Open up terminal (or command line) and run the default Grunt task.

$ npm install
$ grunt

Grunt will watch for any changes you make to your SCSS files and compile your new main.css file.


A bare bones index.html template.


As your project grows and you need to add more styles just create new .scss files and reference them anywhere in your main.scss file.




Further Documentation