



Simple Rails 6 application to demonstrate using Docker for production deployment. The application is a very simple kind of CMS (content management system) allowing to manage posts. Beside the boring CRUD functionality it has some non-default features.

This project aims to build a lean Docker image for use in production. Therefore it's based on the official Alpine Ruby image, uses multi-stage building and some optimizations that I described in my blog. This results in an image size of ~80MB.



This project demonstrates my way of building Rails applications. The techniques used to build the app should not be considered as "best practice", maybe there are better ways to build. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Multi container architecture

There is a separate docker-compose.yml for development and production. The whole stack is divided into multiple different containers:

Check it out!

To start up the application in your local Docker environment:

git clone https://github.com/ledermann/docker-rails.git
cd docker-rails
docker-compose build
docker-compose run app yarn install
docker-compose up

Wait some minutes while the database will be prepared by fetching articles from Wikipedia. Then, navigate your browser to http://[DOCKER_HOST]:[DOCKER_PORT].

Sign in to the admin account:


Tests / CI

On every push, the test suite (including RuboCop checks) is performed via GitHub Actions. If successful, a production image is built and pushed to a private GitLab Docker Registry.

Production deployment

The Docker image build for production is different from development. It includes precompiled assets only (no node_modules and no sources). The spec folder is removed and the Alpine packages for Node and Yarn are not installed.

The stack is ready to host with traefik or nginx proxy and letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion. See docker-compose.production.yml for example setup.


A demo installation is set up on https://docker-rails.georg-ledermann.de.