:warning: :construction: Work in progress - it'll take a long while to translate whole book from Python to Ruby, stay tuned...
<br>Think Ruby Build
- LaTeX source, code examples, and exercise solutions
- Based on Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey which can be downloaded in PDF from Green Tea Press or bought in paper and other formats from O'Reilly Media.
- Stopped LaTeX version at Files chapter (Preface and chapter 4 still not converted, plus there are pending todos) - the sep2018_latex_version tag marks this point
- Going forward, translation would be based on markdown source
- For contributing guidelines, see
Table of Contents
- Preface Ruby preface to be added
- The way of the program
- Variables, expressions and statements
- Methods
- Case study: interface design not yet translated
- Conditionals and recursion
- Fruitful methods
- Iteration
- Strings
- Case study: word play
- Arrays
- Hashes
- Arrays and Hashes
- Case study: data structure selection
- Files
- Classes and objects not yet translated
- Classes and functions not yet translated
- Classes and methods not yet translated
- Inheritance not yet translated
- The Goodies not yet translated
A1. Debugging not yet translated
A2. Analysis of Algorithms not yet translated
Translated chapters still require a round of editing and have pending TODOs.
- An attempt to translate the wonderful Think Python to Think Ruby
- Help me learn and understand Ruby better
- Forced to learn LaTeX is a bonus
Build instructions
- To build the book from LaTeX source you will need a LaTeX installation
- TeX Live distribution is recommended with the following packages:
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- texlive-fonts-recommended
Same license as Think Python book applies:
- source code is under MIT
- book is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License