

This was a fork of the code originally on https://github.com/mwitkow/go-flagz and https://github.com/improbable-eng/go-flagz with changes (see commit history) to get the go modules to work, reduce boiler plate needed for configmap watcher (#7), avoid panic when there is extra whitespace (#8), make the watcher work with regular files and relative paths (#9) and switched to standard golang flags (#5).

Further development, simplification and improvements was in https://github.com/fortio/fortio/tree/master/dflag and now https://github.com/fortio/dflag

Go FlagZ

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Dynamic, thread-safe flag variables that can be modified at runtime through etcd or Kubernetes.

For a similar project for JVM languages (Java, scala) see java-flagz

This sounds crazy. Why?

File-based or command-line configuration can only be changed when a service restarts. Dynamic flags provide flexibility in normal operations and emergencies. Two examples:

All of this can be done simultaneously across a whole shard of your services.


Here's a teaser of the debug endpoint:

Status Endpoint


Declare a single pflag.FlagSet in some public package (e.g. common.SharedFlagSet) that you'll use throughout your server.

Dynamic JSON flag with a validator and notifier

var (
  limitsConfigFlag = flagz.DynJSON(
    &rateLimitConfig{ DefaultRate: 10, Policy: "allow"},
    "Config for service's rate limit",

This declares a JSON flag of type rateLimitConfig with a default value. Whenever the config changes (statically or dynamically) the rateLimitConfigValidator will be called. If it returns no errors, the flag will be updated and onRateLimitChange will be called with both old and new, allowing the rate-limit mechanism to re-tune.

Dynamic feature flags

var (
  featuresFlag = flagz.DynStringSlice(common.SharedFlagSet, "enabled_features", []string{"fast_index"}, "list of enabled feature markers")
func MyHandler(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
   if existsInStringSlice("fast_index", featuresFlag.Get()) {

All access to featuresFlag, which is a []string flag, is synchronised across go-routines using atomic pointer swaps.

Watching for changes from etcd

// First parse the flags from the command line, as normal.
w, err := watcher.New(common.SharedFlagSet, etcdClient, "/my_service/flagz", logger)
if err != nil {
  logger.Fatalf("failed setting up %v", err)
// Read flagz from etcd and update their values in common.SharedFlagSet
if err := w.Initialize(); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed setting up %v", err)
// Start listening of dynamic flags from etcd.

The watcher's go-routine will watch for etcd value changes and synchronise them with values in memory. In case a value fails parsing or the user-specified validator, the key in etcd will be atomically rolled back.

More examples:


This code is production quality. It's been running happily in production at Improbable for a few months.


go-flagz is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.