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        ██║  ███╗███████║   ██╔██╗ ██║██║   ██║██║██╔████╔██║
        ██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║╚██╗██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██║╚██╔╝██║ Powered by
        ╚██████╔╝██║  ██║██╗██║ ╚████║ ╚████╔╝ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║ litee.nvim
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gh.nvim, initially, is a plugin for interactive code reviews which take place on the GitHub platform.

If you want to go straight to setup and configuration click here

If you're a visual learner you can check out the official gh.nvim guide. This is a work in progress as gh.nvim changes and matures.

This plugin was created due to the repeat frustration of performing code reviews of complex changes in the GitHub web UI.

The mentioned frustration seemed to boil down to a few major drawbacks which gh.nvim sets out to fix. These are:

  1. Lack of context during code review When viewing a pull request in a large code base its very likely that you're not sure of the full context of the change. The patch may change the way a function works, but you are not aware all the places this function may be called. Its difficult to safely say that the patch is OK and approve it.

    To alleviate this, gh.nvim will make the pull request code locally available on your file system.

  2. Lack of sufficient editor tools like LSP Because the pull request's code is made locally available all your LSP tools work as normal.

    In my previous point, this means performing a LSP call to understand all the usages of the editing function is now possible.

  3. Lack of automation when attempting to view the full context of a pull request. gh.nvim automates the process of making the pull request's code locally available. To do this, gh.nvim embeds a git CLI wrapper.

    When a pull request is opened in gh.nvim the remote is added locally, the branch is fetched, and the repo is checked out to the pull request's HEAD.

  4. Inability to edit and run the code in the pull request. Because the pull request's code is made available locally, its completely editable in your familiar neovim instance.

    This works for both for writing reviews and responding to reviews of your pull request.

    You can build up a diff while responding to review comments, stash them, check out your branch, and rebase those changes into your PR and push again. Much handier then jumping back and forth between neovim and a browser.

    Additionally, since the code is local and checked out on your file system, you can now run any local development environments that may exist. The environment will be running the pull request's code and you can perform sanity checks easily.

see doc/gh-nvm.txt for complete usage and more details.

Checkout my rational and demo video to get an initial idea of how gh.nvim works, why it works the way it does, and its look and feel.

Setup & Configuration

Before getting started with this plugin, make sure you have installed and configured both the git and gh CLI tools which are required for this plugin to work.

gh.nvim relies on Litee.nvim. To setup gh.nvim with the default configuration add the following:

Using lazy.nvim

    dependencies = {
        config = function()
    config = function()

Using packer.nvim

use {
    requires = { { 'ldelossa/litee.nvim' } }

Then call the setup function for both Litee.nvim and gh.nvim. Make sure you setup Litee.nvim before gh.nvim! The default configuration for gh.nvim is shown below (the default configuration for Litee.nvim can be found on it's Github page).

  -- deprecated, around for compatability for now.
  jump_mode   = "invoking",
  -- remap the arrow keys to resize any litee.nvim windows.
  map_resize_keys = false,
  -- do not map any keys inside any gh.nvim buffers.
  disable_keymaps = false,
  -- the icon set to use.
  icon_set = "default",
  -- any custom icons to use.
  icon_set_custom = nil,
  -- whether to register the @username and #issue_number omnifunc completion
  -- in buffers which start with .git/
  git_buffer_completion = true,
  -- defines keymaps in gh.nvim buffers.
  keymaps = {
      -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, this key will open a node if it has
      -- any futher functionality. for example, hitting <CR> on a commit node
      -- will open the commit's changed files in a new gh.nvim panel.
      open = "<CR>",
      -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, expand a collapsed node
      expand = "zo",
      -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, collpased and expanded node
      collapse = "zc",
      -- when cursor is over a "#1234" formatted issue or PR, open its details
      -- and comments in a new tab.
      goto_issue = "gd",
      -- show any details about a node, typically, this reveals commit messages
      -- and submitted review bodys.
      details = "d",
      -- inside a convo buffer, submit a comment
      submit_comment = "<C-s>",
      -- inside a convo buffer, when your cursor is ontop of a comment, open
      -- up a set of actions that can be performed.
      actions = "<C-a>",
      -- inside a thread convo buffer, resolve the thread.
      resolve_thread = "<C-r>",
      -- inside a gh.nvim panel, if possible, open the node's web URL in your
      -- browser. useful particularily for digging into external failed CI
      -- checks.
      goto_web = "gx"

It's highly recommended to use gh.nvim with either fzf.lua or telescope to override vim.ui.select. If you use telescope, it will work out of the box. If you want to use fzf.lua, add the following snippet to your config:

vim.cmd("FzfLua register_ui_select")

Additionally, you may want to set up some which key bindings to help navigate all of the commands. Below you can find an example which key configuration that binds most of the commands. It also includes a keybinding for LTPanel which comes from Litee.nvim and allows you to toggle the panel so you can focus on the diff.Feel free to tweak to your liking.

local wk = require("which-key")
    g = {
        name = "+Git",
        h = {
            name = "+Github",
            c = {
                name = "+Commits",
                c = { "<cmd>GHCloseCommit<cr>", "Close" },
                e = { "<cmd>GHExpandCommit<cr>", "Expand" },
                o = { "<cmd>GHOpenToCommit<cr>", "Open To" },
                p = { "<cmd>GHPopOutCommit<cr>", "Pop Out" },
                z = { "<cmd>GHCollapseCommit<cr>", "Collapse" },
            i = {
                name = "+Issues",
                p = { "<cmd>GHPreviewIssue<cr>", "Preview" },
            l = {
                name = "+Litee",
                t = { "<cmd>LTPanel<cr>", "Toggle Panel" },
            r = {
                name = "+Review",
                b = { "<cmd>GHStartReview<cr>", "Begin" },
                c = { "<cmd>GHCloseReview<cr>", "Close" },
                d = { "<cmd>GHDeleteReview<cr>", "Delete" },
                e = { "<cmd>GHExpandReview<cr>", "Expand" },
                s = { "<cmd>GHSubmitReview<cr>", "Submit" },
                z = { "<cmd>GHCollapseReview<cr>", "Collapse" },
            p = {
                name = "+Pull Request",
                c = { "<cmd>GHClosePR<cr>", "Close" },
                d = { "<cmd>GHPRDetails<cr>", "Details" },
                e = { "<cmd>GHExpandPR<cr>", "Expand" },
                o = { "<cmd>GHOpenPR<cr>", "Open" },
                p = { "<cmd>GHPopOutPR<cr>", "PopOut" },
                r = { "<cmd>GHRefreshPR<cr>", "Refresh" },
                t = { "<cmd>GHOpenToPR<cr>", "Open To" },
                z = { "<cmd>GHCollapsePR<cr>", "Collapse" },
            t = {
                name = "+Threads",
                c = { "<cmd>GHCreateThread<cr>", "Create" },
                n = { "<cmd>GHNextThread<cr>", "Next" },
                t = { "<cmd>GHToggleThread<cr>", "Toggle" },
}, { prefix = "<leader>" })