


A mix of 'wyattjsmith1/weather.nvim' and 'ellisonleao/weather.nvim'

A simple plugin to display weather in nvim.

lualine integration screenshot

Weather report popup with nui.nvim

Rich text presentation: screenshot

Classic presentation: screenshot



use {
  requires = {


  dependencies = {


require'wttr'.setup {
  -- your options

Default configuration:

opts = {
  -- Optional location. If not provided wttr.in will determine location by IP
  -- Supported location types:
  -- /paris                  # city name
  -- /~Eiffel+tower          # any location (+ for spaces)
  -- /Москва                 # Unicode name of any location in any language
  -- /muc                    # airport code (3 letters)
  -- /@stackoverflow.com     # domain name
  -- /94107                  # area codes
  -- /-78.46,106.79          # GPS coordinates
  location = "",

  -- One of predefinied formats for one-line report.
  -- Possible options:
  -- 1 # Preview: ☀️   +6°C
  -- 2 # Preview: ☀️   🌡️+6°C 🌬️↓4km/h
  -- 3 # Preview: Porto, Portugal: ☀️   +6°C
  -- 4 # Preview: Porto, Portugal: ☀️   🌡️+6°C 🌬️↓4km/h
  format = 1,

  -- Custom format for one-line report. If present then overwrites default format defined above
  -- Source: wttr.in
  -- To specify your own custom output format, use the special %-notation:
  -- Possible options:
  --     c  # Weather condition,
  --     C  # Weather condition textual name,
  --     x  # Weather condition, plain-text symbol,
  --     h  # Humidity,
  --     t  # Temperature (Actual),
  --     f  # Temperature (Feels Like),
  --     w  # Wind,
  --     l  # Location,
  --     m  # Moon phase 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘,
  --     M  # Moon day,
  --     p  # Precipitation (mm/3 hours),
  --     P  # Pressure (hPa),
  --     u  # UV index (1-12),
  --     D  # Dawn*,
  --     S  # Sunrise*,
  --     z  # Zenith*,
  --     s  # Sunset*,
  --     d  # Dusk*,
  --     T  # Current time*,
  --     Z  # Local timezone.
  -- (*times are shown in the local timezone)
  custom_format = "",

  -- Units:
  --  m  # metric (SI) (used by default everywhere except US)
  --  u  # USCS (used by default in US)
  --  M  # show wind speed in m/s
  units = "m",

  -- Optional language.
  -- Options:
  --  am ar af be bn ca da de el et fr fa gl hi hu ia id it lt mg nb nl oc pl
  --  pt-br ro ru ta tr th uk vi zh-cn zh-tw (supported)
  --  az bg bs cy cs eo es eu fi ga hi hr hy is ja jv ka kk ko ky lv mk ml mr
  -- nl fy nn pt pt-br sk sl sr sr-lat sv sw te uz zh zu he (in progress)
  --  Default: ""
  lang = "",

  -- Type of weather forecast shown in popup.
  -- Possible optins:
  -- classic # shows report as widgets
  -- rich    # shows report as rich text with diagrams
  -- Default: "rich_text"
  forecast_type = "rich_text",

My exmaple config

    event = 'VeryLazy',
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
      location = '',
      format = 1,
      custom_format = '%C+%cP:%p+T:%t+F:%f+%w+%m+%P+UV:%u+Hum:%h',
    keys = {
          require('wttr').get_forecast() -- show forecast for my location
        desc = 'Weather Forecast',
          require('wttr').get_forecast("London") -- show forecast for London
        desc = 'Weather Forecast - London',


wttr.nvim starts a scheduler with periodic calls to wttr.in. Response is extracted and saved in 'text' field. Use this fieled in lualine or other place you want to display current weather.

Integration with lualine

wttr.nvim can integrate easily with lualine. To do so, you will need to use 'text' field in lualine:

require('lualine').setup {
  sections = {
    lualine_x = { "require'wttr'.text" }

Weather forecast with nui.nvim

Call get_forecast() function to display popup with weather report for your location


:lua require'wttr'.get_forecast()

Call get_forecast(custom_location) to show weather forecast for custom location


:lua require'wttr'.get_forecast("San+Francisco")

To close popup press q or <esc>