

CNN Image Retrieval in PyTorch: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in PyTorch

The code is based on the https://github.com/filipradenovic/cnnimageretrieval-pytorch .

We added our attacking method ODFA (https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02681). The performance drops from 88.2% to 2.24% on Oxford.

The results attacking other datasets can be found at our main repo https://github.com/layumi/U_turn.

Regular Testing

We provide the pretrained networks trained using the same parameters as in our TPAMI 2018 paper, with precomputed whitening. To evaluate them run:

python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test --gpu-id '2' --network-path 'retrievalSfM120k-resnet101-gem' --datasets 'oxford5k,paris6k,roxford5k,rparis6k' --whitening 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --multiscale '[1]'

The table below shows the performance comparison of networks trained with this framework and the networks used in the paper which were trained with our CNN Image Retrieval in MatConvNet:

ModelOxfordParisROxf (M)RPar (M)ROxf (H)RPar (H)
ResNet101-GeM (PyTorch) Multiple Scale88.292.565.476.740.155.2
ResNet101-GeM (PyTorch) Single Scale86.2490.66----
VGG16-GeM (PyTorch) Single Scale85.2486.28----

Testing Adversarial Query

We add one function cirtorch.network.extract_vectors_aq and one py file test_aq.py.


python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test_aq --gpu-id '2' --network-path 'retrievalSfM120k-resnet101-gem' --datasets 'oxford5k,paris6k' --whitening 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --multiscale '[1]'


python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test_aq --gpu-id '2' --network-path 'retrievalSfM120k-resnet101-gem' --datasets 'oxford5k,paris6k' --whitening 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --multiscale '[1, 1/2**(1/2), 1/2]'

PIRE / TMA with Adam Optimizer 100 iteration

python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test_pire --gpu-id '2' --network-path 'retrievalSfM120k-resnet101-gem' --datasets 'oxford5k,paris6k' --whitening 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --multiscale '[1]' --iter 100

PIRE / TMA with Adam Optimizer 100 iteration (MS)

python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test_pire --gpu-id '0' --network-path 'retrievalSfM120k-resnet101-gem' --datasets 'oxford5k,paris6k' --whitening 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --multiscale '[1, 1/2**(1/2), 1/2]' --iter 100

You will obtain result around:

ModelOxfordParisROxf (M)RPar (M)ROxf (H)RPar (H)
ResNet101-GeM (PyTorch) Multiple Scale2.24 (1.82)4.78 (3.64)----
ResNet101-GeM (PyTorch) Single Scale0.803.00----
VGG16-GeM (PyTorch) Single Scale0.641.85----

Related publications

Training (fine-tuning) convolutional neural networks

 title = {Fine-tuning {CNN} Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation},
 author = {Radenovi{\'c}, F. and Tolias, G. and Chum, O.}
 journal = {TPAMI},
 year = {2018}
 title = {{CNN} Image Retrieval Learns from {BoW}: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning with Hard Examples},
 author = {Radenovi{\'c}, F. and Tolias, G. and Chum, O.},
 booktitle = {ECCV},
 year = {2016}

Revisited benchmarks for Oxford and Paris ('roxford5k' and 'rparis6k')

 author = {Radenovi{\'c}, F. and Iscen, A. and Tolias, G. and Avrithis, Y. and Chum, O.},
 title = {Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking},
 booktitle = {CVPR},
 year = {2018}


master (development)

v1.0 (09 Jul 2018)