


[Poster] [Pdf] [Video]

We have two codebases. For the final submission, we conduct the feature ensemble, where features are from two codebases.

Our main code is at here: https://github.com/ShuaiBai623/AIC2021-T5-CLV

Download Data:

1 – Merge all packages into one:

$ zip -FF AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval.zip --out AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval_full.zip

2 – Delete the smaller packages to save disk space (optional):

$ rm AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval.z*

3 – Unzip the merged package:

$ mkdir AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval
$ cd AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval
$ unzip -FF ../AIC21_Track5_NL_Retrieval_full.zip

Prepare Data:

python data/extract_vdo_frms.py