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A Picker component for React Native which emulates the native <select> interfaces for iOS and Android

For iOS, by default we are wrapping an unstyled TextInput component. You can then pass down styles to customize it to your needs.

For Android, by default we are using the native Picker component. If you prefer, you can set useNativeAndroidPickerStyle to false, which will also render an unstyled TextInput component. You can then pass down styles to customize it to your needs.

For either platform, you can alternatively pass down a child element of your choice that will be wrapped in a touchable area.

iOS Example Android Example

View examples on snack.expo.io

Getting Started


This package is built around and depends on @react-native-picker/picker. Please make sure you install it correctly (as seen below in installation steps).

npm install react-native-picker-select

# React Native users
npm install @react-native-picker/picker
npx pod-install

# Expo
expo install @react-native-picker/picker

Basic Usage

import RNPickerSelect from 'react-native-picker-select';

export const Dropdown = () => {
  return (
      onValueChange={(value) => console.log(value)}
        { label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
        { label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
        { label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },


>= 8.0.0Uses @react-native-picker/picker. React Native 0.60 or above. If using Expo, SDK38 or above.
>= 3.0.0React v16.3 or above.
< 3.0.0React v16.2 or below.


onValueChangeCallback which returns value, indexrequired<br>function
itemsThe items for the component to render<br> - Each item should be in the following format:<br>{label: 'Orange', value: 'orange', key: 'orange', color: 'orange', inputLabel: 'Orange!', testID: 'e2e-orange'}<br>- label and value are required<br>- key, color, testID, and inputLabel are optional<br>- key will be set to equal label if not included<br>- value can be any data type<br>- If inputLabel exists, the TextInput will display that value instead of the labelrequired<br>array
placeholder- An override for the default placeholder object with a label of Select an item... and a value of null<br>- An empty object can be used if you'd like to disable the placeholder entirelyobject
disabledDisables interaction with the componentboolean
valueWill attempt to locate a matching item from the items array by checking each item's value property. If found, it will update the component to show that item as selected. If the value is not found, it will default to the first item. WARNING: do not use this attribute on iOS if you plan to allow the user to modify the value from within the Picker, use itemKey instead.any
itemKeyWill attempt to locate a matching item from the items array by checking each item's key property. If found, it will update the component to show that item as selected. If the key is not found, it will attempt to find a matching item by value as above.string, number
styleStyle overrides for most parts of the component.<br>More details in stylingobject
darkTheme<br>iOS onlyUse the dark theme for the Picker.boolean
pickerPropsAdditional props to pass to the Picker (some props are used in core functionality so use this carefully)object
IconCustom icon component to be rendered.<br>More details in stylingComponent
textInputPropsAdditional props to pass to the TextInput (some props are used in core functionality so use this carefully). This is iOS only unless useNativeAndroidPickerStyle={false}.object
touchableWrapperPropsAdditional props to pass to the touchable wrapping the TextInput (some props are used in core functionality so use this carefully)object
onOpen()<br>Callback triggered right before the opening of the picker<br>Not supported when useNativeAndroidPickerStyle={true}function
useNativeAndroidPickerStyle<br>Android onlyThe component defaults to using the native Android Picker in its un-selected state. Setting this flag to false will mimic the default iOS presentation where a tappable TextInput is displayed.<br>More details in stylingboolean
fixAndroidTouchableBug<br>Android onlyExperimental flag to fix issue #354boolean
InputAccessoryView<br>iOS onlyReplace the InputAcessoryView section (bar with tabbing arrown and Done button) of the opened picker with your own custom component. Can also return null here to hide completely. While this bar is typical on select elements on the web, the interface guidelines does not include it. View the snack to see examples on how this can be customized.Component
doneText<br>iOS only"Done" default text on the modal. Can be overwritten herestring
onUpArrow() / onDownArrow()<br>iOS onlyPresence enables the corresponding arrow<br>- Closes the picker<br>- Calls the callback providedfunction
onDonePress()<br>iOS onlyCallback when the 'Done' button is pressedfunction
onClose(Bool)<br>iOS onlyCallback triggered right before the closing of the picker. It has one boolean parameter indicating if the done button was pressed or notfunction
modalProps<br>iOS onlyAdditional props to pass to the Modal (some props are used in core functionality so use this carefully)object
touchableDoneProps<br>iOS onlyAdditional props to pass to the Done touchable (some props are used in core functionality so use this carefully)object


All properties mentioned below must be nested under the style prop. Examples of different styling options can be found on the example snack.






If you need to add accessibility props to the rendered component, you may use pickerProps and touchableWrapperProps to pass these through.

pickerProps accepts an object of props that get passed directly to the native <Picker /> component. touchableWrapperProps also accepts an object of props, but this gets passed to a <TouchableOpacity /> that toggles the visibility of the picker.<sup>*note: touchableWrapperProps is not supported on web or when useNativeAndroidPickerStyle={true}</sup>

Accessibility Example

In the example below, we render the picker with supplementary description text, but for screen readers, we omit this by passing just the title to the accessibilityLabel prop.

const selectedItem = {
  title: 'Selected item title',
  description: 'Secondary long descriptive text ...',

export const Dropdown = () => {
  return (
        accessibilityLabel: selectedItem.title,


Test suite included. This component has been used and tested since React Native v0.51.



react-native-picker-select is MIT licensed and built with :heart: in Austin, TX by the team at LawnStarter