Elm Console
This library allows reading and writing from the console in Node.
It is a replacement for maxsnew/IO
, which is no longer updated.
An elm Program:
module Main where
import Console exposing (IO, (>>>), (>>=), forever, getLine, pure, exit, putStrLn)
import Task
import List
import Maybe
import String
echo : IO ()
echo = forever (getLine >>= putStrLn)
loop : IO ()
loop = getLine >>= \s ->
if s == "exit"
then pure ()
else putStrLn s >>> loop
hello : IO ()
hello = putStrLn "Hello, Console!" >>>
putStrLn "I'll echo your input until you say \"exit\":" >>>
loop >>>
putStrLn "That's all, folks!" >>>
exit 0
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = hello
link in some javascript and then run:
$ elm-make --yes test/Test.elm raw-test.js
$ ./ raw-test.js test.js
$ node test.js
Hello, Console!
I'll echo your input:
That's all, folks!
Design and Implementation
The implementation is based on the IOSpec haskell library.