

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <div align="center"> <h1>eslint-config-ts-prefixer 🌈</h1>

npm Lint

<p>Ruleset of meaningful Lint rules on runtime and beautiful formatters. (<a href="https://prettier.io/">prettier</a> & <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-import">eslint-plugin-import</a>) </div>

This config is:



If you want to manage .eslintrc.js file on your codebase, please choose Barebone Install.

1. install necessary packages.

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-ts-prefixer eslint@8.57.0 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier prettier
yarn add -D eslint-config-ts-prefixer eslint@8.57.0 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier prettier
pnpm add -D eslint-config-ts-prefixer eslint@8.57.0 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier prettier
bun add -d eslint-config-ts-prefixer eslint@8.57.0 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier prettier

2. Setup config files with npx eslint-config-ts-prefixer config.

npx eslint-config-ts-prefixer config

Run this command on a project root directory
then create config files .eslintrc.cjs .prettierrc .eslintignore,
inseart lint,lint:fix commands to paclage.json,
include "./**.js", "./**.ts", "./**.cjs", "./**.mjs" to tsconfig.json that need for typescrit eslint parser.

npx eslint-config-ts-prefixer config

OK, you are ready to use!

just run npm run lint:fix to apply this package's configurations! 🎉

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,jsx",
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,jsx --fix"

If you use VSCode and ESLint Extension,
you can get great developer experience with the shortcut.
And Webstorm native support ESLint.

<div align="left"> <img src="./assets/extension.png" alt="config"/> </div> <br> <br> <div align="leftr"> <p>Perform on Webstorm</p> <img src="./assets/autofix.gif" alt="autofix" /> </div>

Bareborn Install

Bareborn Install is create the eslint-config-ts-prefixer's .eslintrc.js file directly in your code base.
You can manage the rules yourself.

1. install necessary packages.

npm install --save-dev eslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-sort-keys-custom-order prettier
yarn add -D eslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-sort-keys-custom-order prettier
pnpm add -D eslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-sort-keys-custom-order prettier
bun add -d eslint-config-ts-prefixer eslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser typescript eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-sort-keys-custom-order prettier

2. run npx eslint-config-ts-prefixer barebone

npx eslint-config-ts-prefixer barebone

And then generated .eslintrc.cjs(copy of index.js), .eslintignore, .prettierrc.
inseart lint,lint:fix commands to paclage.json,
include "./**.js", "./**.ts", "./**.cjs", "./**.mjs" to tsconfig.json that need for typescrit eslint parser.

OK, you are ready to use!

just run npm run lint:fix to apply this package's configurations! 🎉

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,jsx",
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,jsx --fix"

Explore Our Lint Rules Website

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website, which provides a comprehensive list of all lint rules from the original documentation. This resource is designed to help you easily navigate and understand the various lint rules available for your projects.

Visit the website: ESLint Config TS Prefixer Lint Rules

The website features a user-friendly interface, allowing you to explore different categories of lint rules, search for specific rules, and learn more about each rule's purpose and usage. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this website will serve as a valuable tool for ensuring code quality and consistency in your projects.



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="http://ryota-murakami.github.io/"><img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5501268?s=400&u=7bf6b1580b95930980af2588ef0057f3e9ec1ff8&v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>ryota-murakami</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/laststance/create-react-app-vite/commits?author=ryota-murakami" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="https://github.com/laststance/create-react-app-vite/commits?author=ryota-murakami" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="https://github.com/laststance/create-react-app-vite/commits?author=ryota-murakami" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END -->