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[!Note] Around two years ago @last9 started advocating using Service Level Objectives. One of the biggest challenges was the lack of practical algorithms behind Burn Rate and alerting. This was our first attempt at it. If you would like us to release these algorithms, go ahead and help us reach 250 stars ⭐️.

SLOs, Error windows and alerts are complicated. Here's an attempt to make it easy.

SLO, burn_rate, error_rate, budget_spend are convoluted terms that can throw one off. Even the SRE workbook by Google can leave you with a lot of open questions.

The concept of SLOs and SLIs has existed for a long time now, but we continue to be amazed by how widely misunderstood this topic is (and how easy it can make your lives if used well).

We are building a sandbox for our DevOps and SRE community - SLO computer - a product that makes setting and monitoring SLOs for all your services intuitively seamless and blazingly fast.


usage: slo [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

Last9 SLO toolkit

  --help     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --version  Show application version.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  suggest --throughput=THROUGHPUT --slo=SLO --duration=DURATION
    suggest alerts based on service throughput and SLO duration

  cpu-suggest --instance=INSTANCE --utilization=UTILIZATION
    suggest alerts based on CPU utilization and Instance type

The goal of this command (has an importable lib too) is to factor in some "bare minimum" input to


Q: What alerts should I set for my service to achieve 99.9 % availability over 30 days

✗ ./slo-computer suggest --throughput=4200 --slo=99.9 --duration=720

		Alert if error_rate > 0.002 for last [24h0m0s] and also last [2h0m0s]
		This alert will trigger once 6.67% of error budget is consumed,
		and leaves 360h0m0s before the SLO is defeated.

		Alert if error_rate > 0.010 for last [1h0m0s] and also last [5m0s]
		This alert will trigger once 1.39% of error budget is consumed,
		and leaves 72h0m0s before the SLO is defeated.

Q: What alerts should I set for my service with throughpput 100rpm to achieve 90 % availability over 7 days

✗ ./slo-computer suggest --throughput=100 --slo=99.9 --duration=168
slo-computer: error:
	If this service reported 10.000 errors for a duration of 5m0s
	SLO (for the entire duration) will be defeated wihin 1h40m47s

	- Use ONLY spike alert model, and not SLOs (easiest)
	- Reduce the MTTR for this service (toughest)
	- SLO is too aggressive and can be lowerd (business decision)
	- Combine multiple services into one single service (teamwide)
, try --help

Q: What alerts should I set for my burst CPU

✗ ./slo-computer cpu-suggest --instance=t3a.xlarge --utilization=15

	Alert if 100.00 % consumption sustains for 10m0s AND recent 5m0s.
	At this rate, burst credits will deplete after 10h0m0s

	Alert if 80.00 % consumption sustains for 3h45m0s AND recent 55m0s.
	At this rate, burst credits will deplete after 15h0m0s

About Last9

This project is sponsored and maintained by Last9. Last9 builds reliability tools for SRE and DevOps.

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