


3D Slicer extension for fully automatic whole body CT segmentation using "TotalSegmentator" AI model. Computation time is less than one minute.

If you use the TotalSegmentator nn-Unet function from this software in your research, please cite:

Wasserthal J., Meyer M., , Hanns-Christian Breit H.C., Cyriac J., Shan Y., Segeroth, M.: TotalSegmentator: robust segmentation of 104 anatomical structures in CT images. https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.05868


  1. Setup your GPU driver (optional)

If you have a powerful GPU is available then a full-quality segmentation can be computed in a few minutes, instead of 40-50 minutes on the CPU. Therefore, it is recommended to set up GPU acceleration as described in this section.

  1. Install latest version of 3D Slicer

  2. Install TotalSegmentator extension in 3D Slicer


User interface


Failed to compute results error the first time trying to use this Slicer module

Problem: Error popup appears: Failed to compute results ... Command ... 'pip', 'install' ... returned non-zero exit status 1

Explanation: This happens because when the tool has to download and install PyTorch and other required Python packages.


Problem: Error popup on the first run: Failed to compute results ... Command ... 'PythonSlicer', TotalSegmentator.exe ... returned non-zero exit status 120

Explanation: This typically happens when PyTorch is not installed correctly or your computer runs out of memory.


Segmentation fails while predicting

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory

Problem: Segmentation fails while predicting and the RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. message is found in the message log (textbox under the Apply button).

Explanation: This means that a CUDA-capable GPU is available, but it is not powerful enough to be used by TotalSegmentator.

Solution: It is recommended to switch to use the CPU by the following steps:

If your GPU has more than 7GB memory and you still get this error then the error message might indicate that the PyTorch CUDA version does not match the CUDA version installed on the system. Reinstall PyTorch with the correct CUDA version by following the instructions given below for GPU is not found.

numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: Unable to allocate

Problem: Segmentation fails while predicting and a message similar to this is found in the message log (textbox under the Apply button): numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: Unable to allocate 6.85 GiB for an array with shape (287, 233, 233, 118) and data type float32

Explanation: This means that your computer has ran out of memory (RAM) while performing the segmentation.

Solution: It is recommended to reduce the image size or increase avaialable memory size by one of the following options:

AttributeError: 'DummyFile' object has no attribute 'flush'

Problem: Segmentation fails while predicting and the 'DummyFile' object has no attribute 'flush' message is found in the message log (textbox under the Apply button).

Explanation: This error message can be safely ignored (it is just a small bug in the implementation of the helper class that suppresses nnunet output). If segmentation failed then it is due to another error in the output.

Solution: Look for other messages in the output.

GPU is not found

Problem: Your computer has a CUDA-capable GPU but TotalSegmentator reports that GPU is not available.

Explanation: CUDA may not be installed on the system or CUDA version in PyTorch does not match the system CUDA version.


Face segment is inaccurate

Problem: There is a big segment called face at the front of the head, which is not an accurate segmentation of the face.

Explanation: This segment is not designed to match the shape of an anatomical feature, but it designates the general area of the face. It can be used to remove features (for example by masking or blurring the image or clipping models) that might otherwise identify the individual subject. Removing these features makes it easier to share 3D data.

Fail to download model files

Model files are hosted on github.com or Zenodo.org and downloaded automatically when segmenting the first time. Institutional firewall or proxy servers may prevent access or the server may be temporarily overloaded, which may cause an error report similar to requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://zenodo.org/record/6802052/files/Task256_TotalSegmentator_3mm_1139subj.zip?download=1. Potential solutions:


Contributions to this extensions are welcome. Please send a pull request with any suggested changes. 3D Slicer contribution guidelines apply.


Please post any questions to the Slicer Forum.

Developers of this extension are not associated with the developers of TotalSegmentator, just provide the convenient 3D Slicer based user interface.