

Adamant Example Project

Build the Linux Assembly Build the Pico Assembly Run All Unit Tests Check Style Build All Documentation

This repository contains an example project which utilizes the Adamant software framework. Its purpose is to demonstrate how the framework can be used to create components, unit test components, and connect those components together into an executable assembly.

The project can be compiled for two different targets, a Linux desktop environment and the Raspberry Pi Pico.

Adamant on the Raspberry Pi Pico

Getting Started

  1. First, we need to set up the development environment for the project by following this guide.
  2. Build, run, and explore the Linux assembly.
  3. Build, run, and explore the Raspberry Pi Pico assembly.
  4. Copy, modify, and adapt the example project for your own project.

Need Help?


Contributions are welcome! This repository follows the guidelines from the main Adamant repository. For details see CONTRIBUTING.md.


Below are some helpful resources for learning up on Adamant and the various tools used in this framework.

Directory Structure

The following is a description of what you can expect to find in the subdirectories of this directory.