

A Python-based image grayscale/binary segmentation evaluation toolbox.





How to Use

Installing Dependencies

Install the required libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt

The metric evaluation is based on my another project: PySODMetrics. Bug reports are welcome!

Configuring Paths for Datasets and Method Predictions

This project relies on json files to store data. Examples for dataset and method configurations are provided in ./examples: config_dataset_json_example.json and config_method_json_example.json. You can directly modify them for subsequent steps.


<details> <summary> More Details on Configuration </summary>

Example 1: Dataset Configuration

Note, "image" is not necessary here. The actual evaluation only reads "mask".

    "LFSD": {
        "image": {
            "path": "Path_Of_RGBDSOD_Datasets/LFSD/Image",
            "prefix": "some_gt_prefix",
            "suffix": ".jpg"
        "mask": {
            "path": "Path_Of_RGBDSOD_Datasets/LFSD/Mask",
            "prefix": "some_gt_prefix",
            "suffix": ".png"

Example 2: Method Configuration

    "Method1": {
        "PASCAL-S": {
            "path": "Path_Of_Method1/PASCAL-S",
            "prefix": "some_method_prefix",
            "suffix": ".png"
        "ECSSD": {
            "path": "Path_Of_Method1/ECSSD",
            "prefix": "some_method_prefix",
            "suffix": ".png"
        "HKU-IS": {
            "path": "Path_Of_Method1/HKU-IS",
            "prefix": "some_method_prefix",
            "suffix": ".png"
        "DUT-OMRON": {
            "path": "Path_Of_Method1/DUT-OMRON",
            "prefix": "some_method_prefix",
            "suffix": ".png"
        "DUTS-TE": {
            "path": "Path_Of_Method1/DUTS-TE",
            "suffix": ".png"

Here, path represents the directory where image data is stored. prefix and suffix refer to the prefix and suffix outside the common part in the names of the predicted images and the actual ground truth images.

During the evaluation process, the matching of method predictions and dataset ground truths is based on the shared part of the file names. Their naming patterns are preset as [prefix]+[shared-string]+[suffix]. For example, if there are predicted images like method1_00001.jpg, method1_00002.jpg, method1_00003.jpg and ground truth images gt_00001.png, gt_00002.png, gt_00003.png, then we can configure it as follows:

Example 3: Dataset Configuration

    "dataset1": {
        "mask": {
            "path": "path/Mask",
            "prefix": "gt_",
            "suffix": ".png"

Example 4: Method Configuration

    "method1": {
        "dataset1": {
            "path": "path/dataset1",
            "prefix": "method1_",
            "suffix": ".jpg"

Running the Evaluation

Plotting Curves for Grayscale Image Evaluation

You can use plot.py to read the .npy file to organize and draw PR, F-measure, and E-measure curves for specified methods and datasets as needed. The usage of this script can be seen in the output of python plot.py --help. Add configuration items as per your requirement and execute the command.

The most basic instruction is to specify the values in the figure.figsize item in the configuration file according to the number of subplots reasonably.

A Basic Execution Process

Here I'll use the RGB SOD configuration in my local configs folder as an example (necessary modifications should be made according to the actual situation).

# Check Configuration Files
python tools/check_path.py --method-jsons configs/methods/rgb-sod/rgb_sod_methods.json --dataset-jsons configs/datasets/rgb_sod.json

# After ensuring there's nothing unreasonable in the output information, you can begin the evaluation with the following commands:
# --dataset-json: Set `configs/datasets/rgb_sod.json` as dataset configuration file
# --method-json: Set `configs/methods/rgb-sod/rgb_sod_methods.json` as method configuration file
# --metric-npy: Set `output/rgb_sod/metrics.npy` to store the metrics information in npy format
# --curves-npy: Set `output/rgb_sod/curves.npy` to store the curves information in npy format
# --record-txt: Set `output/rgb_sod/results.txt` to store the results information in text format
# --record-xlsx: Set `output/rgb_sod/results.xlsx` to store the results information in Excel format
# --metric-names: Specify `fmeasure em precision recall` as the metrics to be calculated
# --include-methods: Specify the methods from `configs/methods/rgb-sod/rgb_sod_methods.json` to be evaluated
# --include-datasets: Specify the datasets from `configs/datasets/rgb_sod.json` to be evaluated
python eval.py --dataset-json configs/datasets/rgb_sod.json --method-json configs/methods/rgb-sod/rgb_sod_methods.json --metric-npy output/rgb_sod/metrics.npy --curves-npy output/rgb_sod/curves.npy --record-txt output/rgb_sod/results.txt --record-xlsx output/rgb_sod/results.xlsx --metric-names sm wfm mae fmeasure em precision recall --include-methods MINet_R50_2020 GateNet_2020 --include-datasets PASCAL-S ECSSD

# Once you've obtained the curve data file, which in this case is the 'output/rgb_sod/curves.npy' file, you can start drawing the plot.

# For a simple example, after executing the command below, the result will be saved as 'output/rgb_sod/simple_curve_pr.pdf':
# --style-cfg: Specify the style configuration file `examples/single_row_style.yml`,Since there are only a few subplots, you can directly use a single-row configuration.
# --num-rows: The number of subplots in the figure.
# --curves-npys: Use the curve data file `output/rgb_sod/curves.npy` to draw the plot.
# --mode: Use `pr` to draw the `pr` curve, `em` to draw the `E-measure` curve, and `fm` to draw the `F-measure` curve.
# --save-name: Just provide the image save path without the file extension; the code will append the file extension as specified by the `savefig.format` in the `--style-cfg` you designated earlier.
# --alias-yaml: A yaml file that specifies the method and dataset aliases to be used in the plot.
python plot.py --style-cfg examples/single_row_style.yml --num-rows 1 --curves-npys output/rgb_sod/curves.npy --mode pr --save-name output/rgb_sod/simple_curve_pr --alias-yaml configs/rgb_aliases.yaml

# More complex examples, after executing the command below, the result will be saved as 'output/rgb_sod/complex_curve_pr.pdf'.

# --style-cfg: Specify the style configuration file `examples/single_row_style.yml`,Since there are only a few subplots, you can directly use a single-row configuration.
# --num-rows: The number of subplots in the figure.
# --curves-npys: Use the curve data file `output/rgb_sod/curves.npy` to draw the plot.
# --our-methods: The specified method, `MINet_R50_2020`, is highlighted with a bold red solid line in the plot.
# --num-col-legend: The number of columns in the legend.
# --mode: Use `pr` to draw the `pr` curve, `em` to draw the `E-measure` curve, and `fm` to draw the `F-measure` curve.
# --separated-legend: Draw a shared single legend.
# --sharey: Share the y-axis, which will only display the scale value on the first graph in each row.
# --save-name: Just provide the image save path without the file extension; the code will append the file extension as specified by the `savefig.format` in the `--style-cfg` you designated earlier.
python plot.py --style-cfg examples/single_row_style.yml --num-rows 1 --curves-npys output/rgb_sod/curves.npy --our-methods MINet_R50_2020 --num-col-legend 1 --mode pr --separated-legend --sharey --save-name output/rgb_sod/complex_curve_pr

Corresponding Results

Precision-Recall Curve:


F-measure Curve:


E-measure Curve:


Programming Reference

Relevant Literature

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