


A Haxe parser & controller library for the Monologue editor.

###Dependencies: Nothing other than Haxe itself and a valid .mpf file you've created with the Monologue editor (technically you could also create it by hand or with another editor, as long as the format is valid).


var myData = Json.parse(getTextSomehow("data.mpf"));

//you need some external context that implements IMonologueHost and is
//responsible for doing the actual dialogue rendering:
var myState = getMyStateSomehow();
//you provide variable values in string-value pairs in a Map, like:
//("hasPotion":false, numCoins:3, isBig:true), etc
var myVars = getVariablesSomehow();
//then you pass all that stuff in:

var controller = new monologue.Controller({host:myState, json:myData, variables:myVars});
//then load up a tree and run the first node:


MonologueController will process nodes until it reaches a text node or custom node, at which point it will return PAUSED and fire a callback to the host to display the node. After the user has clicked "okay" or whatever, it is up to the host to call run() again on the MonologueController to continue to the next node in the sequence. If controller.run() returns TERMINATED, the current tree has reached a terminal state.

##NOTE: This is super new and probably has lots of bugs!