


This repository contains the code for training and running the Generated Depth - Video Diffusion Model (GD-VDM). The GD-VDM consists of several steps, which are explained below.


Before running the script, ensure that you modify the necessary parameters and paths to fit your requirements.


The main script serves as the entry point for training the GD-VDM. It encompasses the entire training procedure, which includes the following steps:

  1. Training the Video Diffusion Model (VDM) on depth videos.
  2. Creating a "denoised" depth video dataset:
  1. Training the Video to Video Diffusion Model (Vid2Vid-DM) on a paired photorealistic- "denoised" depth video dataset:
  1. Generating samples using the GD-VDM framework:

Note: You can also run the individual scripts for each step in the procedure if you want to perform specific tasks separately.

Enjoy using GD-VDM!