


<img src="./logo.png" width = "200" alt="logo" align=center />

npm npm npm

a static blog generator, powered by Node.js. Yohe means that you will say "Wow, so cute" after you tried it.

online demo: http://luoxia.me/yohe_site/




$ npm install yohe -g

Quick Start

Get help

$ yohe --help

Setup your blog

$ yohe init myblog
$ cd myblog

the command will init the blog dir, include initial theme,posts,custom pages dir,and initial config fle.

Create a new post

$ yohe new <postName>

the command will create <postName>.md file in source/_posts,edit it to start writting.

Generate static files

$ yohe build

the command will generate your blog to dir public

Preview the blog

$ yohe server

the command will start a local static server to serve the public files. The port and subdir information can be edited at config.json.

new custom pages

$ yohe page <pageName>

the command will create <pageName>.md file in source/_extra dir, the initial layout of the new page is about.


    "basic": {
        "title": "My Blog", // the title of your blog
        "author": "laoqiren", // the author of the blog
        "description": "I Love Coding",
        "root": "" // the root of the site ,e.g. set root to be "/yohe_site" if your blog is at "http://luoxia.me/yohe_site"
    "theme": {
        "themeName": "default",  // name of the theme.
        "highlightTheme": "railscasts", // code highlight syle, all available styles refer to "https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles"
        "per_page": 6,// number of posts per page
        "filter": ["Life","Secret"],  // filter some special categories to not be shown
        "navPages": [     // custom pages
                "title": "Tags",
                "url": "/tags"
                "title": "About Me",
                "url": "/about"
                "title": "Life",
                "url": "/categories/life/"
        "reward": {  // config about reward
            "enabled": true,
            "imgName": "alipay.jpg",  // reward QR Code images e.g. alipay.jpg
            "words": "support me"   // custom reward words
    "server": {
        "port": 3000 // the port of local static server
    "gitment": {   // gitment config, refer to ”https://github.com/imsun/gitment“
        "owner": "",
        "repo": "",
        "oauth": {
            "client_id": "",
            "client_secret": ""

post pattern

follow the example below:

title: Cluster
date: 2016-11-27
tags: [Cluster,process]
layout: post
comment: true
categories: Nodejs

tips: initial layout is post, and initial comment is true.

How to publish

Yohe will generate your blog to dir public, you can use different ways to serve public dir.

How to develop themes


├── about.html    // layout of about page(required)
├── index.html    // layout of index page(required)
├── list.html     // posts list page of specially categories&tags(required)
├── post.html     // layout of post's detail page(Can rename)
└── tags.html     // layout of tags cloud(required)
└── ...           // custom layouts


basic variables:

configconfigs Object, refer to config.json
tagsArray of tags. For each: tag.name,tag.posts(Array),tag.url
categoriesArray of categories. For each: category.name, category.posts,category.url
archivesArray of archives' posts(to show posts list of particular date). For each: archive.name,archive.posts
archivesListArray of archives' informations. For each: archive.archiveTag,archive.arrOfDate,archive.url

special variables:

post.htmlpost: post.title, post.date, post.categories, post.tags, post.content
list.htmltitle(the title of concrete tag or category or archive),posts(Array of posts after filtered),pageNumber(Number of page),sumpages(Sum of pages), flag("tags" or "categories" or archives")
about.htmlcontent: the content of about.md or other extra pages' .md file.


the static resources like .js,.css should be in dir assets

Other tips