

Big O Notation for Coq

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Build Status Documentation

A flexible yet easy-to-use formalization of Big O, Big Theta, and more Bachmann-Landau notations based on seminormed vector spaces.

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

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Theorems & Lemmas

This is not an exhaustive list:

<!-- - [ ] little o as a partial ordering on functions? --> <!-- - [ ] Big Ω as a partial ordering on functions? --> <!-- - [ ] Can O and o be combined into something like a strict order? -->

API Documentation

You can view the documentation online or build it locally:

./configure && make html && firefox html/toc.html

to build the API documentation with coqdoc.


You can build this package using the Nix package manager:

nix-build . && ls result/lib/coq/8.5/user-contrib/BigO/

Alternatively, you can use the the standard

./configure && make

If you're using Nix, you can easily intergrate this library with your own package's default.nix or shell.nix, and Coq should automatically find it.

  pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }
  coq_big_o = with pkgs; callPackage (fetchFromGitHub {
    owner  = "siddharthist";
    repo   = "coq-big-o";
    rev    = "some commit hash"; # customize this
    sha256 = "appropriate sha256 checksum"; # and this
  }) { };
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "my-coq-project";
  src = ./.;
  buildInputs = [ coq coq_big_o ];

Otherwise, just copy what you built to somewhere that Coq will find it.

Related Work

I don't know of any. If anyone else is interested in formal complexity theory, let me know!

This project leans heavily on the math-classes library for definitions of algebraic structures, specifically seminormed vector spaces.


Pull requests for fixes, new results, or anything else are welcome! Just run


to be dropped into a shell with all dependencies installed.