


Explore, manipulate and iterate on Computer Vision datasets with precision using simple APIs. Supports SQL filters, vector similarity search, native interface with Pandas and more.

🌟 NEW: Supports GUI Dashboard, Pythonic and notebook workflows

Dashboard Workflows

<details open> <summary>Multiple dataset support</summary> You can now explore multiple datasets, search across them, add/remove images across multiple datasets to enrich bad examples. Start training on new dataset within seconds. Here's an example of using VOC, coco128 and coco8 datasets together with VOC being the primary. <pre> from yoloexplorer import Explorer

exp = Explorer("VOC.yaml") exp.build_embeddings()

coco_exp = Explorer("coco128.yaml") coco_exp.build_embeddings() #Init coco8 similarly

exp.dash([coco_exp, coco8]) #Automatic analysis coming soon with dash(..., analysis=True)


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</details> <details open> <summary>Multiple model support</summary>

You can now explore multiple pretrained models listed "resnet18", "resnet50", "efficientnet_b0", "efficientnet_v2_s", "googlenet", "mobilenet_v3_small" for extracting better features out of images to improve searching across multiple datasets.<pre> from yoloexplorer import Explorer

exp = Explorer("coco128.yaml", model="resnet50") exp.build_embeddings()

coco_exp = Explorer("coco128.yaml", model="mobilenet_v3_small") coco_exp.build_embeddings()

#Use force=True as a parameter in build_embedding if embeddings already exists

exp.dash([coco_exp, coco8]) #Automatic analysis coming soon with dash(..., analysis=True)

</details> <details open> <summary>Query using SQL and semantic search, View dataset as pandas DF and explore embeddings</summary>

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ezgif com-optimize (5)

</details> <details open> Try an example colab <a href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/lancedb/yoloexplorer/blob/main/examples/intro.ipynb"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open In Colab"></a> <summary>Colab / Notebook</summary> <img src="./yoloexplorer/assets/docs/intro.gif" height=75% width=75% /> </details>


pip install yoloexplorer

Install from source branch

pip install git+https://github.com/lancedb/yoloexplorer.git

Pypi installation coming soon


YOLOExplorer can be used to rapidly generate new versions of CV datasets trainable on Ultralytics YOLO, SAM, FAST-SAM, RT-DETR and more models.

Start exploring your Datasets in 2 simple steps

from yoloexplorer import Explorer

coco_exp = Explorer("coco128.yaml")
coco_exp.dash() # Launch the GUI dashboard
<details open> <summary> <b> Querying Basics </b> </summary>

You can get the schema of you dataset once the table is built

schema = coco_exp.table.schema

You can use this schema to run queries

<b>SQL query</b><br/> Let's try this query and print 4 result - Select instances that contain one or more 'person' and 'cat'

df = coco_exp.sql("SELECT * from 'table' WHERE labels like '%person%' and labels LIKE '%cat%'")


<img src="./yoloexplorer/assets/docs/plotting.png" height=50% width=50% /><br/> The above is equivlant to plotting directly with a query:

voc_exp.plot_imgs(query=query, n=4)

<b>Querying by similarity</b><br/> Now lets say your model confuses between cetain classes( cat & dog for example) so you want to look find images similar to the ones above to investigate.

The id of the first image in this case was 117

imgs, ids = coco_exp.get_similar_imgs(117, n=6) # accepts ids/idx, Path, or img blob

<img src="./yoloexplorer/assets/docs/sim_plotting.png" height=50% width=50% /><br/> The above is equivlant to directly calling plot_similar_imgs

voc_exp.plot_similar_imgs(117, n=6)

NOTE: You can also pass any image file for similarity search, even the ones that are not in the dataset

<b>Similarity Search with SQL Filter (Coming Soon)</b></br> Soon you'll be able to have a finer control over the queries by pre-filtering your table

coco_exp.get_similar_imgs(..., query="WHERE labels LIKE '%motorbike%'")
coco_exp.plot_similar_imgs(query="WHERE labels LIKE '%motorbike%'")
</details> <details> <summary> <b>Plotting</b></summary>
Visualization MethodDescriptionArguments
plot_imgs(ids, query, n=10)Plots the given ids or the result of the SQL query. One of the 2 must be provided.ids: A list of image IDs or a SQL query. n: The number of images to plot.
plot_similar_imgs(img/idx, n=10)Plots n top similar images to the given img. Accepts img idx from the dataset, Path to imgs or encoded/binary imgimg/idx: The image to plot similar images for. n: The number of similar images to plot.
plot_similarity_index(top_k=0.01, sim_thres=0.90, reduce=False, sorted=False)Plots the similarity index of the dataset. This gives measure of how similar an img is when compared to all the imgs of the dataset.top_k: The percentage of images to keep for the similarity index. sim_thres: The similarity threshold. reduce: Whether to reduce the dimensionality of the similarity index. sorted: Whether to sort the similarity index.

Additional Details

</details> <details> <summary> <b>Add, remove, merge parts of datasets, persist new Datasets, and start training!</b></summary> Once you've found the right images that you'd like to add or remove, you can simply add/remove them from your dataset and generate the updated version.

<b>Removing data</b><br/> You can simply remove images by passing a list of ids from the table.

coco_exp.remove_imgs([100,120,300..n]) # Removes images at the given ids.

<b>Adding data</b><br/> For adding data from another dataset, you need an explorer object of that dataset with embeddings built. You can then pass that object along with the ids of the imgs that you'd like to add from that dataset.

coco_exp.add_imgs(exp, idxs) #

Note: You can use SQL querying and/or similarity searches to get the desired ids from the datasets.

<b>Persisting the Table: Create new dataset and start training</b><br/> After making the desired changes, you can persist the table to create the new dataset.


This creates a new dataset and outputs the training command that you can simply paste in your terminal to train a new model!

<b>Resetting the Table</b><br/> You can reset the table to its original or last persisted state (whichever is latest)

</details> <details> <summary><b>(Advanced querying)Getting insights from Similarity index</b></summary> The `plot_similarity_index` method can be used to visualize the similarity index of the dataset. The similarity index is a measure of how similar each image is to all the other images in the dataset. Let's the the similarity index of the VOC dataset keeping all the default settings

<img src="./yoloexplorer/assets/docs/sim_index.png" height=50% width=50%><br/> You can also get the the similarity index as a numpy array to perform advanced querys.

sim = voc_exp.get_similarity_index()

Now you can combine the similarity index with other querying options discussed above to create even more powerful queries. Here's an example:

"Let's say you've created a list of candidates you wish to remove from the dataset. Now, you want to filter out the images that have similarity index less than 250, i.e, remove the images that are 90%(sim_thres) or more similar to more than 250 images in the dataset. "

ids = [...] # filtered ids list
filter = np.where(sim > 250)
final_ids = np.intersect1d(ids, filter) # intersect both arrays

</details> <h3>Coming Soon</h3>


Pre-filtering will enable powerful queries like - "Show me images similar to <IMAGE> and include only ones that contain one or more(or exactly one) person, 2 cars and 1 horse" <br/>
