

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 --> <p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10407788/95621320-7b226080-0a3f-11eb-8194-4b55a5555836.png" style="max-width: 800px;" alt="docker-lambda"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <b>Amazonlinux Docker images and AWS Lambda layers with GDAL.</b> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/lambgeo/docker-lambda/actions?query=workflow%3ACI" target="_blank"> <img src="https://github.com/lambgeo/docker-lambda/workflows/CI/badge.svg" alt="Test"> </a> </p> <!-- markdownlint-enable -->

Docker Images

Based on public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided:al2 (AmazonLinux 2)

Runtimes images:


see: https://github.com/lambgeo/docker-lambda/pkgs/container/lambda-gdal

Creating Lambda packages


1. Create Dockerfile

FROM ghcr.io/lambgeo/lambda-gdal:3.8 as gdal

# We use the official AWS Lambda image
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/{RUNTIME: python|node|go...}:{RUNTIME version}


# Bring C libs from lambgeo/lambda-gdal image
COPY --from=gdal /opt/lib/ ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/lib/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/include/ ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/include/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/share/ ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/share/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/bin/ ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/bin/

  GDAL_DATA=${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/share/gdal \
  PROJ_LIB=${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/share/proj \
  GDAL_CONFIG=${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/bin/gdal-config \
  GEOS_CONFIG=${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/bin/geos-config \

# Copy local files or install modules

# Create package.zip (we zip the whole content of $PACKAGE_PREFIX because we moved the gdal libs over)
RUN cd $PACKAGE_PREFIX && zip -r9q /tmp/package.zip *

If you are working with python3.9|3.10|3.11, you can use lambgeo pre-build docker images:

FROM ghcr.io/lambgeo/lambda-gdal:3.8-python3.10


# Copy any local files to the package
COPY handler.py ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/handler.py

# Install some requirements to `/var/task` (using `-t` otpion)
RUN pip install numpy rasterio mercantile --no-binary :all: -t ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/

# Reduce size of the C libs
RUN cd $PREFIX && find lib -name \*.so\* -exec strip {} \;

# Create package.zip
# Archive python code (installed in $PACKAGE_PREFIX/)
RUN cd $PACKAGE_PREFIX && zip -r9q /tmp/package.zip *

# Archive GDAL libs (in $PREFIX/lib $PREFIX/bin $PREFIX/share)
RUN cd $PREFIX && zip -r9q --symlinks /tmp/package.zip lib/*.so* share
RUN cd $PREFIX && zip -r9q --symlinks /tmp/package.zip bin/gdal* bin/ogr* bin/geos* bin/nearblack

2. Build and create package.zip

docker build --tag package:latest .
docker run --name lambda -w /var/task --volume $(shell pwd)/:/local -itd package:latest bash
docker cp lambda:/tmp/package.zip package.zip
docker stop lambda
docker rm lambda

Package content should be like:

  |___ bin/      # GDAL binaries
  |___ lib/      # Shared libraries (GDAL, PROJ, GEOS...)
  |___ share/    # GDAL/PROJ data directories
  |___ rasterio/
  |___ handler.py
  |___ other python module

3. Deploy and Set Environment variables

Libraries might need to be aware of GDAL/PROJ C libraries so you HAVE TO to set up those 2 envs:

Other variables:

Starting with gdal3.1 (PROJ 7.1), you can set PROJ_NETWORK=ON to use remote grids.

AWS Lambda Layers

gdalamazonlinux versionsize (Mb)unzipped size (Mb)arn

see /layer.json for the list of arns

Find the arn version

cat layer.json| jq '.[] | select(.region == "us-west-2")'
  "region": "us-west-2",
  "layers": [
      "name": "gdal36",
      "arn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:524387336408:layer:gdal38:2",
      "version": 2

archived layers

gdalamazonlinux versionsize (Mb)unzipped size (Mb)arn

see /archived_layer.json for the list of arns

Layer content:

  |___ bin/      # Binaries
  |___ lib/      # Shared libraries (GDAL, PROJ, GEOS...)
  |___ share/    # GDAL/PROJ data directories

At Lambda runtime, the layer content will be unzipped in the /opt directory. To be able to use the C libraries you HAVE TO make sure to set 2 important environment variables:

How To Use (Create a Lambda Package)

There are 2 ways to use the layers:

1. Simple (No dependencies)

If you don't need to add more runtime dependencies, you can just create a lambda package (zip file) with your lambda handler.

Note: This is unlikely, except if you are using GDAL bin (e.g gdal_translate) from a python script.

zip -r9q package.zip handler.py


  |___ handler.py   # aws lambda python handler

AWS Lambda Config:

2. Advanced (need other dependencies)

If your lambda handler needs more dependencies you'll have to use the exact same environment to create the package.

Create a Dockerfile
FROM ghcr.io/lambgeo/lambda-gdal:3.8 as gdal

# This example assume that you are creating a lambda package for python 3.10
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.10

# Bring C libs from lambgeo/lambda-gdal image
COPY --from=gdal /opt/lib/ /opt/lib/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/include/ /opt/include/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/share/ /opt/share/
COPY --from=gdal /opt/bin/ /opt/bin/

  GDAL_DATA=/opt/share/gdal \
  PROJ_LIB=/opt/share/proj \
  GDAL_CONFIG=/opt/bin/gdal-config \
  GEOS_CONFIG=/opt/bin/geos-config \


# Copy local files
COPY handler.py ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/handler.py

# install package
# This example shows how to install GDAL python bindings for gdal 3.6
# The GDAL version should be the same as the one provided by the `lambgeo/lambda-gdal` image
RUN python -m pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version) -t $PACKAGE_PREFIX

# Create package.zip
RUN cd $PACKAGE_PREFIX && zip -r9q /tmp/package.zip *
docker build --tag package:latest .
docker run --name lambda -w /var/task -itd package:latest bash
docker cp lambda:/tmp/package.zip package.zip
docker stop lambda
docker rm lambda


  |___ handler.py   # aws lambda python handler
  |___ module1/     # dependencies
  |___ module2/
  |___ module3/
  |___ ...

AWS Lambda Config: