


<!-- badges -->

CircleCI cljdoc badge Clojars Project

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Enlive-backed Hiccup implementation (clj-only)


These features make its behavior closely follow how Hiccup works in Reagent, reducing cognitive overhead when doing cross-platform development.

<!-- installation -->


To use the latest release, add the following to your deps.edn (Clojure CLI)

com.lambdaisland/hiccup {:mvn/version "0.10.51"}

or add the following to your project.clj (Leiningen)

[com.lambdaisland/hiccup "0.10.51"]
<!-- /installation -->


(require '[lambdaisland.hiccup :as h])

(h/render [:html [:body ...]])
<!-- opencollective -->

Lambda Island Open Source

<img align="left" src="https://github.com/lambdaisland/open-source/raw/master/artwork/lighthouse_readme.png">


hiccup is part of a growing collection of quality Clojure libraries created and maintained by the fine folks at Gaiwan.

Pay it forward by becoming a backer on our Open Collective, so that we may continue to enjoy a thriving Clojure ecosystem.

You can find an overview of our projects at lambdaisland/open-source.



<!-- /opencollective --> <!-- contributing -->


Everyone has a right to submit patches to hiccup, and thus become a contributor.

Contributors MUST

Contributors SHOULD

If you submit a pull request that adheres to these rules, then it will almost certainly be merged immediately. However some things may require more consideration. If you add new dependencies, or significantly increase the API surface, then we need to decide if these changes are in line with the project's goals. In this case you can start by writing a pitch, and collecting feedback on it.

* This goes for features too, a feature needs to solve a problem. State the problem it solves, then supply a minimal solution.

** As long as this project has not seen a public release (i.e. is not on Clojars) we may still consider making breaking changes, if there is consensus that the changes are justified.

<!-- /contributing --> <!-- license -->


Copyright © 2021 Arne Brasseur and Contributors

Licensed under the term of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, see LICENSE.

<!-- /license -->