


Hex.pm Build Status Coverage Status

An OTP application to implement throttling/rate limiting of resources.

Rebar3 dependency

{throttle, "0.3.0", {pkg, lambda_throttle}}


$ rebar3 compile


The application allows to limit different resources (scopes) at different rates.

Distributed support

By default, throttle keeps the attempt counters on ETS tables, and therefore those are local to the Erlang node. Mnesia can be used instead to enfore access limits across all connected nodes, by setting the driver configuration parameter to throttle_mnesia:

{throttle, [{driver, throttle_mnesia},
            {rates, [{my_global_scope, 10, per_second}]}]}

When using the Mnesia driver, throttle_mnesia:setup() needs to be called after the cluster is connected (the tables have to be shared across nodes, so the nodes must be visible before intialization):

(n1@> application:set_env(throttle, driver, throttle_mnesia).
(n1@> application:ensure_all_started(throttle).
(n1@> net_kernel:connect('n2@').
(n1@> throttle_mnesia:setup().

When checking for a Key to access a given Scope, an access counter is incremented in Mnesia. The activity access context for that operation can be configured with the access_context parameter:

{throttle, [{driver, throttle_mnesia},
            {access_context, sync_transaction}]}.

By default, the async_dirty context is used, which prioritizes speed over consistency when propagating the counter increment. This means there's a chance of two nodes getting access to a resource when there is one attempt left. Depending the application, it may make more sense to choose a different context (like sync_transaction) to reduce the chances of allowing accesses above the limit.



1> application:ensure_all_started(throttle).
2> throttle:setup(my_api_endpoint, 3, per_minute).
3> throttle:check(my_api_endpoint, my_token_or_ip).
4> throttle:check(my_api_endpoint, my_token_or_ip).
5> throttle:check(my_api_endpoint, my_token_or_ip).
6> throttle:check(my_api_endpoint, my_token_or_ip).

Cowboy 2.0 limit by IP

Middleware module:




execute(Req, Env) ->
  {{IP, _}, Req2} = cowboy_req:peer(Req),

  case throttle:check(my_api_rate, IP) of
    {limit_exceeded, _, _} ->
      lager:warning("IP ~p exceeded api limit", [IP]),
      Req3 = cowboy_req:reply(429, Req2),
      {stop, Req3};
    _ ->
      {ok, Req2, Env}

Using it:

cowboy:start_clear(my_http_listener, [{port, 8080}], #{
		env => #{dispatch => Dispatch},
		middlewares => [cowboy_router, throttling_middleware, cowboy_handler]

Cowboy 2.0 limit by Authorization header




execute(Req, Env) ->
  Authorization = cowboy_req:header(<<"authorization">>, Req),

  case throttle:check(my_api_rate, Authorization) of
    {limit_exceeded, _, _} ->
      lager:warning("Auth ~p exceeded api limit", [Authorization]),
      Req3 = cowboy_req:reply(429, Req),
      {stop, Req2};
    _ ->
      {ok, Req, Env}

Note that assumes all requests have an authorization header. A more realistic approach would be to fallback to an IP limit when Authorization is not present.

Cowboy 1.0 limit by IP

Middleware module:




execute(Req, Env) ->
  {{IP, _}, Req2} = cowboy_req:peer(Req),

  case throttle:check(my_api_rate, IP) of
    {limit_exceeded, _, _} ->
      lager:warning("IP ~p exceeded api limit", [IP]),
      {error, 429, Req2};
    _ ->
      {ok, Req2, Env}

Using it:

cowboy:start_http(my_http_listener, 100, [{port, 8080}],
                    [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]},
                     {middlewares, [cowboy_router, throttling_middleware, cowboy_handler]}]

A more detailed example, choosing the rate based on the path, can be found here.