

GORSS - Go RSS Reader

Go Report Card MIT License


Simple RSS/Atom reader written in Golang. Highly configurable and with themes.




Tarballs with prebuilt binaries for both Linux and OSX can be found under release page.

Just start by running either gorss_linux or gorss_osx binary from the tarballs.

You can also specify theme, configuration and database manually.

./gorss -config gorss.conf -theme default.theme -db mydb.db

If either the configuration or theme files are not specified, gorss will attempt to use$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gorss/gorss.conf and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gorss/themes/default.theme, respectively. These files will be created from the defaults if not present.

To build and run use the makefile.

make run

In order to cross-compile make release for Linux on OSX you need to install the following:

brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross

The database gorss.db will be automatically created in your systems 'Data Home' directory. You can specify which database to use with the argument -db to the binary.


Configuration Example (Default config)

It's possible to specify configuration file as a flag, default is gorss.conf.

The configuration file can specify URLs of feeds as strings, or, if you want to customise the name of the feed as it is shown in your Gorss, as objects with url and name fields. (See the example below for supported options).

./gorss -config my.conf
    "highlights": [
    "OPMLFile": "../example_ompl.xml",
    "feeds": [
        {"url": "https://www.sweclockers.com/feeds/nyheter", "name": "Swedish Overclocking"},
        {"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/.rss", "name": "Home Assistant"},
        {"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/.rss"},
        {"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/.rss"}
    "feedWindowSizeRatio": 2,
    "articlePreviewWindowSizeRatio": 5,
    "articleWindowSizeRatio": 2,
    "previewWindowSizeRatio": 1,
    "daysToKeepDeletedArticlesInDB": 1,
    "daysToKeepReadArticlesInDB": 1,
    "skipArticlesOlderThanDays": 10,
    "secondsBetweenUpdates": 300,
    "skipPreviewInTab": true,
    "keyOpenLink": "Backspace2",
    "keyMarkLink": "Enter",
    "keyOpenMarked": "o",
    "keyDeleteArticle": "d",
    "keyMoveDown": "s",
    "keyMoveUp": "w",
    "keySortByDate": "r",
    "keySortByUnread": "e",
    "keySortByTitle": "t",
    "keySortByFeed": "y",
    "keyUpdateFeeds": "Ctrl+U",
    "keyMarkAllRead": "Ctrl+R",
    "keyMarkAllUnread": "Ctrl+T",
    "keyMarkAllReadFeed": "Ctrl+F",
    "keyMarkAllUnreadFeed": "Ctrl+G",
    "keyTogglePreview": "q",
    "keySelectFeedWindow": "1",
    "keySelectArticleWindow": "2",
    "keySelectPreviewWindow": "3",
    "keyToggleHelp": "h",
    "keySwitchWindows": "Tab",
    "keyQuit": "Esc",
    "keyUndoLastRead": "u",
    "keySearchPromt": "/",
    "notifications": true,
    "customCommands": [
            "key": "j",
            "Cmd": "echo 'ARTICLE.Content' 'ARTICLE.Link' > /tmp/test2.txt"
            "key": "k",
            "Cmd": "echo 'ARTICLE.Title' 'ARTICLE.Feed' > /tmp/test.txt"

Custom Commands

Custom commands can be added such as the example in the example configuration above.

The variables given will be substituted with the content of the given article. There are no escaping going on so be careful!

Available variables are:


Themes are highly configurable and 3 example themes are included. You can start gorss with a specific theme as argument.

./gorss -theme my.theme

Themes are configured with JSON, default example below:

    "feedNames": [
    "date": "#a25478",
    "time": "#f96bad",
    "articleBorder": "#4b7d81",
    "previewBorder": "#4b7d81",
    "feedBorder": "#4b7d81",
    "feedBorderTitle": "#fcedd5",
    "articleBorderTitle": "#fcedd5",
    "previewBorderTitle": "#fcedd5",
    "highlights": "#c90036",
    "tableHead": "#b2b37d",
    "title": "#fcedd5",
    "unreadFeedName": "#FFFFFF",
    "totalColumn": "#FFFFFF",
    "unreadColumn": "#FFFFFF",
    "previewText": "#FFFFFF",
    "previewLink": "#39537e",
    "statusBackground": "#4b7d81",
    "statusText": "#fcedd5",
    "statusKey": "#f6d270",
    "statusBrackets": "#bfceab",
    "feedIcon": "🔖",
    "articleIcon": "🗞",
    "previewIcon": "📰",
    "linkMarker": "🌍",
    "unreadMarker": "🌟"


default theme irssi theme night theme


This is distributed under the MIT License.