

PCFG = Probabilistic Context Free Grammar

PCFG = Pretty Cool Fuzzy Guesser

In short: A collection of tools to perform research into how humans generate passwords. These can be used to crack password hashes, but also create synthetic passwords (honeywords), or help develop better password strength algorithms

Tool Versions

Trainer: 4.4

Guesser: 4.6


Password_Scorer: 4.4


Sphinx is used to dynamically create a Developer's Guide based on docstrings in the code. To build the Developer's Guide, refer to the instructions in /doc/INSTRUCTIONS.rst

A pre-built Developer's Guide PDF can also be found in /doc/build/latex/pcfgdevelopersguide.pdf. Note, I'm not going to rebuild this guide between major releases to make the git history cleaner. Aka committing PDFs gets real messy real quick. This means the pre-build guide it may be slightly out of date so if you are using it to help you write/modify code it's recommended to build the guide yourself instead of using the prebuilt one.


This project uses machine learning to identify password creation habits of users. A PCFG model is generated by training on a list of disclosed plaintext/cracked passwords. In the context of this project, the model is referred to as a ruleset and contains many different parts of the passwords identified during training, along with their associated probabilities. This stemming can be useful for other cracking tools such as PRINCE, and/or parts of the ruleset can be directly incorporated into more traditional dictionary-based attacks. This project also includes a PCFG guess generator that makes use of this ruleset to generate password guesses in probability order. This is much more powerful than standard dictionary attacks, and in testing has proven to be able to crack passwords on average with significantly less guesses than other publicly available methods. The downside is that generating guesses in probability order is slow, meaning it is creating on average 50-100k guesses a second, where GPU based algorithms can create millions to billions (and up), of guesses a second against fast hashing algorithms. Therefore, the PCFG guesser is best used against large numbers of salted hashes, or other slow hashing algorithms, where the performance cost of the algorithm is made up for with the accuracy of the guesses.

Requirements + Installation

Quick Start Guide


The default ruleset included in this repo was created by training on a 1 million password subset of the RockYou dataset. Better performance can be achieved by training on the full 32 million password set for RockYou, but that was excluded to keep the download size small. You can use the default ruleset to start generating passwords without having to train on a new list, but it is recommended to train on a target set of passwords that may be closer to what you are trying to target. If you do create your own ruleset, here is a quick guide:

  1. Identify a set of plaintext passwords to train on.
  1. Choose a name for your generated ruleset. For the purposes of this tutorial it will be NEW_RULESET
  2. Run the trainer on the input password list

Guess Generation

This generates guesses to stdout using a previously training PCFG ruleset. These guesses can then be piped into any program that you want to make use of them. If no ruleset is specified, the default ruleset DEFAULT will be used. For the purposes of this guide it will assume the ruleset being used is NEW_RULESET.

  1. Note: the guess generation program is case sensitive when specifying the ruleset name.
  1. To start a new guessing session run:
  1. To restart a previous guessing session run (Note: You still need to specify the same ruleset when restoring a session):

Password Strength Scoring

There are many cases where you may want to estimate the probability of a password being generated by a previously trained ruleset. For example, this could be part of a password strength metric, or used for other research purposes. A sample program has been included to perform this.

  1. To run a scoring session: python3 password_scorer -r NEW_RULESET -i INPUT_LIST
  2. By default. it will output the results to stdout, with each password scored per line

Prince-Ling Wordlist Generator

Name: PRINCE Language Idexed N-Grams (Prince-Ling)

Overview: Constructs customized wordlists based on an already trained PCFG ruleset/grammar for use in PRINCE style combinator attacks. The idea behind this was since the PCFG trainer is already breaking up a training set up passwords into individual parsings, that information could be leveraged to make targeted wordlists for other attacks.

Basic Mechanics: Under the hood, the Prince-Ling tool is basically a mini-PCFG guess generator. It strips out the Markov guess generation, and replaces the base structures used in normal PCFG attacks with a significantly reduced base-structure tailored for generating PRINCE wordlists. This allows generating dictionary words in probability order with an eye to how useful those words are expected to be in a PRINCE attack.

Using Prince-Ling

  1. Train a PCFG ruleset using trainer.py. Note you need to create the ruleset using version 4.1 or later of the PCFG toolset, as earlier versions did not learn all the datastructures that Prince-Ling utilizes.
  2. Run Prince-Ling python3 prince-ling.py -r RULESET_NAME -s SIZE_OF_WORDLIST_TO_CREATE -o OUTPUT_FILENAME

Example Cracking Passwords Using John the Ripper

python3 pcfg_guesser -r NEW_RULESET -s SESSION_NAME | ./john --stdin --format=bcrypt PASSWORDS_TO_CRACK.txt


If you notice any bugs, or if you have a feature you would like to see added, please open an issue on this github page. I also accept pull requests, though ideally please link a pull request to an issue so that I can more easily review it, ask questions, and better understand the changes you are making.

There's a lot of improvements that can be made to modeling password creation strategies using PCFGs. I'm very open to new ideas, changes, and suggestions. Just because the code currently does something a certain way doesn't mean that's the best option. For example, the fundamental base_structure of the current approach where masks are generated for alpha strings, digits, other, etc, was chosen because it was the "easiest" option to impliment. My team had a lot of debate that a better option might be to start with a base word, and then model more traditional mangling rules applied to it as transisions in the PCFG. So feel free to go wild with this code!