Therion is cave surveying software - for details see
This repository is hosting homebrew formulae for easier installation and update of Therion on your Mac.
:warning: Please do not report here any issues not related to the Therion installation on macOS platform. I am not Therion developer, just user as you are. All Therion related bugs or feature requests needs to be reported here:
:warning: This formulae is now using CMAKE instead of the legacy make build method. Installation was successfuly tested on Apple Silicon machine running macOS 12.1 Monterey. Plese check Troubleshooting section before submitting an issue.
Please launch Terminal app and follow the instructions.
1. Install Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install
2. Install Homebrew -
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Test it:
brew update
brew doctor
If you want to disable brew analytics type:
brew analytics off
3. Install XQuartz
If your macOS doesn't contain X11 server (10.12 Sierra+) install it by following command:
brew install --cask xquartz
4. Install MacTeX
brew install --cask mactex
5. Install Therion
brew tap ladislavb/homebrew-therion
brew install therion
I will try to update the formulae after each stable release of Therion so that the version installed by brew is up to date. Feel free to submit a pull request with your updates. Thank you!
If you are brave enough and want to test the latest (development) revision from Therion's source code on GitHub use:
brew install --HEAD therion
6. Copying Loch to /Applications
Loch is installed to <prefix>/opt/therion/
If you have an older version of Loch installed in your Applications, remove it, then copy the new version with:
cp -R <prefix>/opt/therion/ /Applications/
Replace <prefix>
with /usr/local
for macOS Intel or /opt/homebrew
for Apple Silicon
Running apps
After sucessfull installation you should be able to:
- start XTherion by typing
command to Terminal window - run Therion compiler by typing
command to Terminal window - launch Loch viewer from Launchpad
Launch Terminal app and type brew update
Launch Terminal app and type brew uninstall therion
XTherion UI is broken
After starting XTherion from Terminal you see the following warning: DEPRECATION WARNING: The system version of Tk is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Please don't rely on it. Set TK_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 to suppress this warning.
- Add homebrew Tcl/Tk version to the first place in $PATH variable:
Apple Silicon:echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/tcl-tk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
Intel:echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/homebrew/opt/tcl-tk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
- Open new Terminal window and run XTherion. It should use newer Tcl/Tk version from now on. You will probably need to apply also the next fix: XTherion - can't find package BWidget.
XTherion - can't find package BWidget
You may see the following error after forcing Homebrew's Tcl/Tk version instead of the one provided by Apple:
Error in startup script: can't find package BWidget
while executing
"package require BWidget"
(file "/opt/homebrew/bin/xtherion" line 12786)
- Symlink BWidget from /System/Library/Tcl/ folder to homebrew Tcl/Tk package folder:
Apple Silicon:ln -s /System/Library/Tcl/bwidget1.9.1 /opt/homebrew/opt/tcl-tk/lib/bwidget1.9.1
Intel:ln -s /System/Library/Tcl/bwidget1.9.1 /usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib/bwidget1.9.1
- Open new Terminal window and run XTherion. It should work OK from now on.