

Lacmus Application

Cross-platform application that searches for lost people in the forest using object detection neural networks. The application runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Lacmus application written in C#, .NET Core, ReactiveUI and Avalonia and use Tensorflow / ONNX for inference deep learning Models.

Main view

main view


You can find more documentation here: Rus Eng

System requirements and supported platforms

Brief description of architecture

Architecture diagram diagram

Application use LacmusPlugins for ML model inference and PluginReposiroty web API for hosting ML models.

Building from source

$ git clone https://github.com/lacmus-foundation/lacmus-app.git
$ cd lacmus-app/src
$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet run --project LacmusApp.Avalonia


Contributors are welcome! You can contact me (gosha20777@live.ru) to get more info.