


Scala implementation of SHEX and SHACL.

This project contains an implementation of SHACL and ShEx

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This project contains an implementation of SHACL and ShEx.

Both are implemented in Scala using the same underlying mechanism using a purely functional approach.

The library handles RDF using a simple RDF library which has 2 implementations, one using Apache Jena and another one using RDF4j, this means that it is possible to use this library to validate RDF models from any of those RDF libraries, as well as from external SPARQL endpoints.

Installation and compilation

The project uses sbt for compilation as well as Java 1.8.

Command line usage

Once compiled, the program can be run as a command line tool. It is possible to run the program inside sbt as:

Validating RDF data with SHACL


sbt "run --data examples/shacl/good1.ttl \
         --engine shaclex \

It is also possible to use Jena SHACL using:

sbt "run --data examples/shacl/good1.ttl \
         --engine JenaSHACL \

or [Top Braid SHACL API] using:

sbt "run --data examples/shacl/good1.ttl \
         --engine shacl-tq \

Validating RDF with ShEx


sbt "run --engine=ShEx 
         --schema examples/shex/good1.shex 
         --schemaFormat ShExC 
         --data examples/shex/good1.ttl"

Validating RDF data through an SPARQL endpoint

The following example validates RDF nodes from wikidata using Gene-wiki ShEx:

sbt "run --endpoint=https://query.wikidata.org/sparql 

Interactive mode with sbt

It is usually faster to run the sbt command, which opens the interactive sbt shell and inside that shell, execute the different commands.

$ sbt
... several information about loading libraries
sbt> run -d examples/shacl/good1.ttl --engine ShaClex  

Binary mode

The fastest way to run Shaclex is to compile the code and generate a comand line binary file.

The following command will generate a binary file:

$ sbt universal:packageBin
...generates the file...

which contains the compressed binary code.

Programmatic usage

The Shaclex library can be invoked programmatically.

Implementation details

Compatibility tests

The current implementation passes all shacl-core tests. In order to generate the EARL report, run:

$ sbt 
sbt:shaclex> project shacl 
sbt:shacl> testOnly es.weso.shacl.report.ReportGeneratorCompatTest

We also aim to pass the ShEx test-suite.

In order to run the shex test-suite and generate the EARL report, you can do the following:

sbt:shaclex> project shex
sbt:shex> compat:test

Convert between Schema formats

Shaclex can be used to convert between different schema formats. The following example shows how to convert between ShExC to ShExJ:

$ sbt "run --schema examples/shex/good1.shex 
           --schemaFormat ShExC
           --outSchemaFormat ShExJ

Convert between ShEx and SHACL

Shaclex can be used to convert schemas from ShEx to SHACL and viceversa. The following example shows how to convert a SHACL schema to ShEx.

$ sbt "run --schema examples/shacl/good1.ttl 
           --schemaFormat Turtle 
           --outSchemaFormat ShExC 
           --engine SHACLEX 
           --outEngine SHEX 

The conversion code is work in progress. This issue tracks ShEx->SHACL conversion and this one tracks SHACL->ShEx conversion.

Clingo validation

The project supports experimental Answer Set Programming based validation by converting the validation process to a [Clingo program])(https://potassco.org/clingo/). To run this, use the option --showClingo which will generate a Cling program. Example:

sbt "run --engine=ShEx 
         --schema examples/shex/good1.shex 
         --schemaFormat ShExC 
         --data examples/shex/good1.ttl
         --clingoFile clingoProgram.pl" 

Once you generate the Clingo program and have installed Clingo itself, you can run the program with:

clingo clingoProgram.pl

This feature is experimental. This issue tracks the Clingo conversion.

More information

Publishing to OSS-Sonatype

This project uses the sbt ci release plugin for publishing to OSS Sonatype.


Open a PR and merge it to watch the CI release a -SNAPSHOT version

Full Library Releases
  1. Push a tag and watch the CI do a regular release
  2. git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"
  3. git push origin v0.1.0 Note that the tag version MUST start with v.

Author & contributors




Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add more features or submit issues

<a href="https://github.com/weso/shaclex/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contributors-img.web.app/image?repo=weso/shaclex" /> </a>