

<div align="center" style="margin-bottom: 100px;"> <h1>Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from mobile.</h1>

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<img src="https://github.com/labmlai/labml/blob/master/images/cover-dark.png" alt=""/> </div>

🔥 Features

Hosting the experiments server


To install MongoDB, refer to the official documentation here.


Install the package using pip:

pip install labml-app

Starting the server

# Start the server on the default port (5005)
labml app-server

# To start the server on a different port, use the following command
labml app-server --port PORT

Optional: to setup and configure Nginx in your server, please refer to this.

You can access the user interface either by visiting http://localhost:{port} or, if configured on a separate machine, by navigating to http://{server-ip}:{port}.

Monitor Experiments


  1. Install the package using pip.
pip install labml
  1. Create a file named .labml.yaml at the top level of your project folder, and add the following line to the file:
app_url: http://localhost:{port}/api/v1/default

# If you are setting up the project on a different machine, include the following line instead,
app_url: http://{server-ip}:{port}/api/v1/default

PyTorch example

from labml import tracker, experiment

with experiment.record(name='sample', exp_conf=conf):
    for i in range(50):
        loss, accuracy = train()
        tracker.save(i, {'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy})

Distributed training example

from labml import tracker, experiment

uuid = experiment.generate_uuid() # make sure to sync this in every machine
                  name='distributed training sample',
with experiment.start():
    for i in range(50):
        loss, accuracy = train()
        tracker.save(i, {'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy})

📚 Documentation


🖥 Screenshots

Formatted training loop output

<div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vpj/lab/master/images/logger_sample.png" alt="Sample Logs"/> </div>

Custom visualizations based on Tensorboard logs

<div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vpj/lab/master/images/analytics.png" alt="Analytics"/> </div>

Monitoring hardware usage

# Install packages and dependencies
pip install labml psutil py3nvml

# Start monitoring
labml monitor


If you use LabML for academic research, please cite the library using the following BibTeX entry.

 author = {Varuna Jayasiri, Nipun Wijerathne, Adithya Narasinghe, Lakshith Nishshanke},
 title = {labml.ai: A library to organize machine learning experiments},
 year = {2020},
 url = {https://labml.ai/},