

<img src="assets/logo.svg" width="600" alt="Traktarr">

made-with-python License: GPL v3 last commit (master) Discord Contributing Donate

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Traktarr uses Trakt.tv to find shows and movies to add in to Sonarr and Radarr, respectively.

Types of Trakt lists supported:

* Support for multiple (authenticated) users.


Click to enlarge.



  1. Debian OS (can work in other operating systems as well).

  2. Python 3.5+

  3. Required Python modules.


1. Base Install

Installs Traktarr to the system so that it can be ran with the traktarr command.

  1. Clone the Traktarr repo.

    sudo git clone https://github.com/l3uddz/traktarr /opt/traktarr
  2. Fix permissions of the traktarr folder (replace user/group with your info; run id to check).

    sudo chown -R user:group /opt/traktarr
  3. Go into the traktarr folder.

    cd /opt/traktarr
  4. Install Python and PIP.

    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
  5. Install the required python modules.

    sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Create a shortcut for traktarr.

    sudo ln -s /opt/traktarr/traktarr.py /usr/local/bin/traktarr
  7. Generate a basic config.json file.

    traktarr run
  8. Configure the config.json file.

    nano config.json

2. Create a Trakt Application

  1. Create a Trakt application by going here

  2. Enter a name for your application; for example traktarr

  3. Enter urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob in the Redirect uri field.

  4. Click "SAVE APP".

  5. Open the Traktarr configuration file config.json and insert your Trakt Client ID in the client_id and your Trakt Client Secret in the client_secret, like this:

    "trakt": {
        "client_id": "your_trakt_client_id",
        "client_secret": "your_trakt_client_secret"

3. Authenticate User(s) (optional)

For each user you want to access the private lists for (i.e. watchlist and/or custom lists), you will need to to authenticate that user.

Repeat the following steps for every user you want to authenticate:

  1. Run the following command:

    traktarr trakt_authentication
  2. You wil get the following prompt:

    - We're talking to Trakt to get your verification code. Please wait a moment...
    - Go to: https://trakt.tv/activate on any device and enter A0XXXXXX. We'll be polling Trakt every 5 seconds for a reply
  3. Go to https://trakt.tv/activate.

  4. Enter the code you see in your terminal.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. If you are not logged in to Trakt.tv, login now.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. You will get the message: "Woohoo! Your device is now connected and will automatically refresh in a few seconds.".

You've now authenticated the user.

You can repeat this process for as many users as you like.


Sample Configuration

  "core": {
    "debug": false
  "automatic": {
    "movies": {
      "anticipated": 3,
      "boxoffice": 10,
      "interval": 24,
      "popular": 3,
      "trending": 2
    "shows": {
      "anticipated": 10,
      "interval": 48,
      "popular": 1,
      "trending": 2
  "filters": {
    "movies": {
      "disabled_for": [],
      "allowed_countries": [
      "allowed_languages": [
      "blacklisted_genres": [
      "blacklisted_max_runtime": 0,
      "blacklisted_min_runtime": 60,
      "blacklisted_min_year": 2000,
      "blacklisted_max_year": 2019,
      "blacklisted_title_keywords": [
      "blacklisted_tmdb_ids": [],
      "rotten_tomatoes": ""
    "shows": {
      "disabled_for": [],
      "allowed_countries": [
      "allowed_languages": [],
      "blacklisted_genres": [
      "blacklisted_networks": [
        "the movie network",
        "cartoon network",
        "fox sports"
      "blacklisted_max_runtime": 0,
      "blacklisted_min_runtime": 15,
      "blacklisted_min_year": 2000,
      "blacklisted_max_year": 2019,
      "blacklisted_title_keywords": [],
      "blacklisted_tvdb_ids": []
  "notifications": {
    "pushover": {
      "service": "pushover",
      "app_token": "",
      "user_token": "",
      "priority": 0
    "slack": {
      "service": "slack",
      "webhook_url": ""
    "verbose": true
  "radarr": {
    "api_key": "",
    "minimum_availability": "released",
    "quality": "HD-1080p",
    "root_folder": "/movies/",
    "url": "http://localhost:7878/"
  "sonarr": {
    "api_key": "",
    "language": "English",
    "quality": "HD-1080p",
    "root_folder": "/tv/",
    "season_folder": true,
    "tags": [],
    "url": "http://localhost:8989/"
  "trakt": {
    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": ""
  "omdb": {
    "api_key": ""


"core": {
  "debug": false

debug - Toggle debug messages in the log. Default is false.


"automatic": {
  "movies": {
    "anticipated": 3,
    "boxoffice": 10,
    "interval": 24,
    "popular": 3,
    "trending": 0,
    "watched": 2,
    "played_all": 2,
    "watchlist": {},
    "lists": {},
  "shows": {
    "anticipated": 10,
    "interval": 48,
    "popular": 1,
    "trending": 2,
    "watched_monthly": 2,
    "played": 2,
    "watchlist": {},
    "lists": {}

Used for automatic / scheduled Traktarr tasks.

Movies can be run on a separate schedule then from Shows.

Note: These settings are only needed if you plan to use Traktarr on a schedule (vs just using it as a CLI command only; see Usage).


Note: The number specified is the number of items that will be added into Radarr/Sonarr. It is not a Trakt list limit, i.e. this is not going to lookup Top X items.


interval - Specify how often (in hours) to run Traktarr task.

Official Trakt Lists

anticipated - Trakt Anticipated List.

popular - Trakt Popular List.

trending - Trakt Trending List.

boxoffice - Trakt Box Office List. Movies only.

watched - Most watched (unique users) movies in the specified time period.

played - Most played (a single user can watch multiple times) items in the specified time period.

watchlist - Specify which watchlists to fetch (see explanation below).

Custom Lists

lists - Specify which custom lists to fetch (see explanation below).

You can also schedule any number of public or private custom lists.

For both public and private lists you'll need the url to that list. When viewing the list on Trakt, simply copy the url from the address bar of the your browser.

Note: These are for non-watchlist lists. If you want to add a watchlist list, use the next section below.

Public Lists

Public lists can be added by specifying the url and the item limit like this:

"automatic": {
  "movies": {
    "lists": {
        "https://trakt.tv/users/rkerwin/lists/top-100-movies": 10
  "shows": {
    "lists": {
        "https://trakt.tv/users/claireaa/lists/top-100-tv-shows-of-all-time-ign": 10

Private Lists

Private lists can be added in two ways:

  1. If there is only one authenticated user, you can add the private list just like any other public list:

    "automatic": {
      "movies": {
        "lists": {
            "https://trakt.tv/users/user/lists/my-private-movies-list": 10
      "shows": {
        "lists": {
            "https://trakt.tv/users/user/lists/my-private-shows-list": 10
  2. If there are multiple authenticated users you want to fetch the lists from, you'll need to specify the username under authenticate_as.

    Note: The user should have access to the list (either own the list or a list that was shared to them by a friend).

    "automatic": {
      "movies": {
        "lists": {
            "https://trakt.tv/users/user/lists/my-private-movies-list": {
                "authenticate_as": "user2",
                "limit": 10
      "shows": {
        "lists": {
            "https://trakt.tv/users/user/lists/my-private-shows-list": {
                "authenticate_as": "user2",
                "limit": 10

Personal Trakt Watchlists

The watchlist task can be scheduled with a different item limit for every (authenticated) user.

So for every user, you will add: "username": limit to the watchlist key. For example:

"automatic": {
  "movies": {
    "watchlist": {
        "user1": 10,
        "user2": 5
  "shows": {
    "watchlist": {
        "user1": 2,
        "user3": 1


Use filters to specify the movie/shows's country of origin or blacklist (i.e. filter-out) certain keywords, genres, years, runtime, or specific movies/shows.


  "movies": {
    "disabled_for": [],
    "allowed_countries": [
    "allowed_languages": [],
    "blacklisted_genres": [
    "blacklisted_max_runtime": 0,
    "blacklisted_min_runtime": 60,
    "blacklisted_min_year": 2000,
    "blacklisted_max_year": 2019,
    "blacklisted_title_keywords": [
    "blacklisted_tmdb_ids": [],
    "rotten_tomatoes": ""

disabled_for - Specify for which lists the blacklist is disabled for, when running in automatic mode.

allowed_countries - Only add movies from these countries. Listed as two-letter country codes.

allowed_languages - Only add movies with these languages. Listed as two-letter language codes.

blacklisted_genres - Blacklist certain genres.

blacklisted_min_runtime - Blacklist runtime duration shorter than specified time (in minutes).

blacklisted_max_runtime - Blacklist runtime duration longer than specified time (in minutes).

blacklisted_min_year - Blacklist release dates before specified year. This can be a 4 digit year, 0, or -<number of years to go back> format.

blacklisted_max_year - Blacklist release dates after specified year. This can be a 4 digit year, 0, or +<number of years to go forward> format.

blacklisted_title_keywords - Blacklist certain words in titles.

blacklisted_tmdb_ids - Blacklist certain movies with their TMDB IDs.

rotten_tomatoes - Only add movies that are equal to or above this Rotten Tomatoes score. Requires an OMDb API Key (see below).


"shows": {
  "allowed_countries": [
  "allowed_languages": [],
  "blacklisted_genres": [
  "blacklisted_networks": [
    "the movie network",
    "cartoon network",
    "fox sports"
  "blacklisted_max_runtime": 0,
  "blacklisted_min_runtime": 15,
  "blacklisted_min_year": 2000,
  "blacklisted_max_year": 2019,
  "blacklisted_title_keywords": [],
  "blacklisted_tvdb_ids": []

disabled_for - Specify for which lists the blacklist is disabled for, when running in automatic mode.

allowed_countries - Only add shows from these countries. Listed as two-letter country codes.

allowed_languages - Only add shows with these languages.

blacklisted_genres - Blacklist certain genres.

blacklisted_networks - Blacklist certain network.

blacklisted_min_runtime - Blacklist runtime duration shorter than specified time (in minutes).

blacklisted_max_runtime - Blacklist runtime duration longer than specified time (in minutes).

blacklisted_min_year - Blacklist release dates before specified year. This can be a 4 digit year, 0, or -<number of years to go back> format.

blacklisted_max_year - Blacklist release dates after specified year. This can be a 4 digit year, 0, or +<number of years to go forward> format.

blacklisted_title_keywords - Blacklist certain words in titles.

blacklisted_tvdb_ids - Blacklist certain shows with their TVDB IDs.


"notifications": {
  "Apprise": {
    "service": "apprise",
    "url": "",
    "title": ""
  "verbose": false

Notification alerts for Traktarr tasks.

For auto (i.e. scheduled) runs, notifications are enabled automatically when notification services are listed in this section.

For manual (i.e. CLI) commands, you need to add the --notifications flag.

Supported services:

Note: The key name can be anything, but the service key must be must be the exact service name (e.g. pushover). See below for example.

"notifications": {
  "anyname": {
    "service": "pushover",


verbose - Toggle detailed notifications.

"notifications": {
  "verbose": true


"notifications": {
  "Apprise": {
    "service": "apprise",
    "url": "",
    "title": ""
  "verbose": false

url - Apprise service URL (see here).

title - Notification Title.


"notifications": {
  "pushover": {
    "service": "pushover",
    "app_token": "",
    "user_token": "",
    "priority": 0
  "verbose": false

app_token - App Token from Pushover.net.

user_token - User Token from Pushover.net.

priority - Priority of the notifications.


"notifications": {
  "slack": {
    "service": "slack",
    "webhook_url": "",
    "channel": "",
    "sender_name": "Traktarr",
    "sender_icon": ":movie_camera:"
  "verbose": false

webhook_url - Webhook URL.

channel - Slack channel to send the notifications to.

sender_name - Sender's name for the notifications.

sender_icon - Icon to use for the notifications.


Radarr configuration.

"radarr": {
  "api_key": "",
  "minimum_availability": "released",
  "quality": "HD-1080p",
  "root_folder": "/movies/",
  "url": "http://localhost:7878"

api_key - Radarr's API Key.

quality - Quality Profile that movies are assigned to.

minimum_availability - The minimum availability the movies are set to.

root_folder - Root folder for movies.

url - Radarr's URL.


Sonarr configuration.

"sonarr": {
  "api_key": "",
  "language": "English",
  "quality": "HD-1080p",
  "root_folder": "/tv/",
  "season_folder": true,
  "tags": [],
  "url": "http://localhost:8989"

api_key - Sonarr's API Key.

language - Language Profile that TV shows are assigned to. Only applies to Sonarr v3.

quality - Quality Profile that TV shows are assigned to.

root_folder - Root folder for TV shows.

season_folder - Sort episodes into season folders.

tags - Assign tags to shows. Tags need to be created in Sonarr first.

url - Sonarr's URL.


Trakt Authentication info:

"trakt": {
  "client_id": "",
  "client_secret": ""

client_id - Your Trakt API Key (Client ID).

client_secret - Your Trakt Secret Key (Client Secret).


OMDb Authentication info.

"omdb": {

api_key - Your OMDb API Key.


Automatic (Scheduled)


To have Traktarr get Movies and Shows for you automatically, on set interval, do the following:

  1. sudo cp /opt/traktarr/systemd/traktarr.service /etc/systemd/system/

  2. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/traktarr.service and edit user/group to match yours' (run id to check).

  3. sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  4. sudo systemctl enable traktarr.service

  5. sudo systemctl start traktarr.service


You can customize how the scheduled Traktarr is ran by editing the traktarr.service file and adding any of the following options:

* Remember, other configuration options need to go into the config.json file under the Automatic section.

traktarr run --help
Usage: traktarr run [OPTIONS]

  Run in automatic mode.

  -d, --add-delay FLOAT           Seconds between each add request to Sonarr /
                                  Radarr.  [default: 2.5]
  -s, --sort [votes|rating|release]
                                  Sort list to process.
  --no-search                     Disable search when adding to Sonarr /
  --run-now                       Do a first run immediately without waiting.
  --no-notifications              Disable notifications.
  --ignore-blacklist              Ignores the blacklist when running the
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

-d, --add-delay - Add seconds delay between each add request to Sonarr / Radarr. Default is 2.5 seconds.

-s, --sort - Sort list by highest votes, highest rating, or the latest release dates. Default is highest votes.

--no-search - Tells Sonarr / Radarr to not automatically search for added shows / movies.

--run-now - Traktarr will run first automated search on start, without waiting for next interval.

--no-notifications - Disable notifications. Default is enabled.

--ignore-blacklist - Ignores blacklist filtering. Equivalent of disabled_for in config.json.

Example of a modified line from the traktarr.service file that will always add from the most recent releases matched:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/traktarr/traktarr.py run -s release

Manual (CLI)


Usage: traktarr [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Add new shows & movies to Sonarr/Radarr from Trakt.

  --version         Show the version and exit.
  --config PATH     Configuration file  [default: /Users/macuser/Documents/Git
  --cachefile PATH  Cache file  [default:
  --logfile PATH    Log file  [default: /Users/macuser/Documents/GitHub/l3uddz
  --help            Show this message and exit.

  movie                 Add a single movie to Radarr.
  movies                Add multiple movies to Radarr.
  run                   Run Traktarr in automatic mode.
  show                  Add a single show to Sonarr.
  shows                 Add multiple shows to Sonarr.
  trakt_authentication  Authenticate Traktarr.

Movie (Single Movie)

traktarr movie --help
Usage: traktarr movie [OPTIONS]

  Add a single movie to Radarr.

  -id, --movie-id TEXT  Trakt Movie ID.  [required]
  -f, --folder TEXT     Add movie with this root folder to Radarr.
  -ma, --minimum-availability [announced|in_cinemas|released]
                        Add movies with this minimum availability to Radarr.
  --no-search           Disable search when adding movie to Radarr.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

-id, --movie-id - ID/slug of the movie to add to Radarr. Supports both Trakt and IMDB IDs. This arguent is required.

-f, --folder - Add movie to a specific root folder in Radarr.

minimum_availability - The minimum availability the movies are set to.

--no-search - Tells Radarr to not automatically search for added movies.

Movies (Multiple Movies)

traktarr movies --help
Usage: traktarr movies [OPTIONS]

  Add multiple movies to Radarr.

  -t, --list-type TEXT            Trakt list to process. For example, 'anticipated', 'trending',
                                  'popular', 'person', 'watched', 'played', 'recommended',
                                  'watchlist', or any URL to a list.  [required]
  -l, --add-limit INTEGER         Limit number of movies added to Radarr.
  -d, --add-delay FLOAT           Seconds between each add request to Radarr.  [default: 2.5]
  -s, --sort [rating|release|votes]
                                  Sort list to process.  [default: votes]
  -rt, --rotten_tomatoes INTEGER  Set a minimum Rotten Tomatoes score.
  -y, --year, --years TEXT        Can be a specific year or a range of years to search. For
                                  example, '2000' or '2000-2010'.
  -g, --genres TEXT               Only add movies from this genre to Radarr. Multiple genres are
                                  specified as a comma-separated list. Use 'ignore' to add movies
                                  from any genre, including ones with no genre specified.
  -f, --folder TEXT               Add movies with this root folder to Radarr.
  -ma, --minimum-availability [announced|in_cinemas|released]
                                  Add movies with this minimum availability to Radarr. Default is
  -p, --person TEXT               Only add movies from this person (e.g. actor) to Radarr. Only
                                  one person can be specified. Requires the 'person' list type.
  --include-non-acting-roles      Include non-acting roles such as 'Director', 'As Himself',
                                  'Narrator', etc. Requires the 'person' list type with the
                                  'person' argument.
  --no-search                     Disable search when adding movies to Radarr.
  --notifications                 Send notifications.
  --authenticate-user TEXT        Specify which user to authenticate with to retrieve Trakt lists.
                                  Defaults to first user in the config.
  --ignore-blacklist              Ignores the blacklist when running the command.
                                  Removes rejected/existing movies from recommended.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

-t, --list-type - Trakt list to process.

Choices are: anticipated, trending, popular, boxoffice, watched, played, URL (Trakt list), or person (used with -p/--person argument).

-l, --add-limit - Limit number of movies added to Radarr.

-d, --add-delay - Add seconds delay between each add request to Radarr. Default is 2.5 seconds.

-s, --sort - Sort list by highest votes, highest rating, or the latest release dates. Default is highest votes.

-rt, --rotten_tomatoes - Only add movies equal to or above this Rotten Tomatoes score.

-y, --year, --years - Only add movies from from a specific year or range of years.

-g, --genres - Only add movies from these genre(s) to Radarr.

-f, --folder - Add movies to a specific root folder in Radarr.

minimum_availability - The minimum availability the movies are set to.

-p, --person - Only add movies with a specific person to Radarr.

--include-non-acting-roles - Include non-acting roles of the specified person.

--no-search - Tells Radarr to not automatically search for added movies.

--notifications - To enable notifications. Default is disabled.

--authenticate-user - Specify which authenticated user to retrieve Trakt lists as. Default is the first user in the config.

--ignore-blacklist - Ignores blacklist filtering.

--remove-rejected-from-recommended - Removes rejected/existing shows from the recommended list, so that it will be removed from further recommendations.

Show (Single Show)

traktarr show --help
Usage: traktarr show [OPTIONS]

  Add a single show to Sonarr.

  -id, --show-id TEXT  Trakt Show ID.  [required]
  -f, --folder TEXT    Add show with this root folder to Sonarr.
  --no-search          Disable search when adding show to Sonarr.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

-id, --show-id - ID/slug of the show to add to Sonarr. Supports both Trakt and IMDB IDs. This argument is required.

Shows (Multiple Shows)

traktarr shows --help
Usage: traktarr shows [OPTIONS]

  Add multiple shows to Sonarr.

  -t, --list-type TEXT            Trakt list to process. For example, 'anticipated', 'trending',
                                  'popular', 'person', 'watched', 'played', 'recommended',
                                  'watchlist', or any URL to a list.  [required]
  -l, --add-limit INTEGER         Limit number of shows added to Sonarr.
  -d, --add-delay FLOAT           Seconds between each add request to Sonarr.  [default: 2.5]
  -s, --sort [rating|release|votes]
                                  Sort list to process.  [default: votes]
  -y, --year, --years TEXT        Can be a specific year or a range of years to search. For
                                  example, '2000' or '2000-2010'.
  -g, --genres TEXT               Only add shows from this genre to Sonarr. Multiple genres are
                                  specified as a comma-separated list. Use 'ignore' to add shows
                                  from any genre, including ones with no genre specified.
  -f, --folder TEXT               Add shows with this root folder to Sonarr.
  -p, --person TEXT               Only add shows from this person (e.g. actor) to Sonarr. Only one
                                  person can be specified. Requires the 'person' list type.
  --include-non-acting-roles      Include non-acting roles such as 'Director', 'As Himself',
                                  'Narrator', etc. Requires the 'person' list type with the
                                  'person' argument.
  --no-search                     Disable search when adding shows to Sonarr.
  --notifications                 Send notifications.
  --authenticate-user TEXT        Specify which user to authenticate with to retrieve Trakt lists.
                                  Defaults to first user in the config
  --ignore-blacklist              Ignores the blacklist when running the command.
                                  Removes rejected/existing shows from recommended.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

-t, --list-type - Trakt list to process.

Choices are: anticipated, trending, popular, watched, played, URL (Trakt list), or person (used with -p/--person argument).

-l, --add-limit - Limit number of shows added to Sonarr.

-d, --add-delay - Add seconds delay between each add request to Sonarr. Default is 2.5 seconds.

-s, --sort - Sort list by highest votes, highest rating, or the latest release dates. Default is highest votes.

-y, --year, --years - Only add shows from from a specific year or range of years.

-g, --genres - Only add shows from this genre(s) to Sonarr.

-f, --folder - Add shows to a specific root folder in Sonarr.

-p, --person - Only add shows with a specific person to Sonarr.

--include-non-acting-roles - Include non-acting roles of the specified person.

--no-search - Tells Sonarr to not automatically search for added shows.

--notifications - To enable notifications. Default is disabled.

--authenticate-user - Specify which authenticated user to retrieve Trakt lists as. Default is the first user in the config.

--ignore-blacklist - Ignores blacklist filtering. Equivalent of disabled_for in config.json.

--remove-rejected-from-recommended - Removes rejected/existing shows from the recommended list, so that it will be removed from further recommendations.

Examples (CLI)

