

FluxCD plugin

This plugin adds completion for the FluxCD command line, as well as some aliases for the most common flux commands.


Run git clone https://github.com/l-umaca/omz-fluxcd-plugin.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/fluxcd

To use it, add fluxcd to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... fluxcd)


frkflux reconcile kustomizationReconcile kustomization
frksflux reconcile kustomization --with-sourceReconcile kustomization with source
frsgflux reconcile source gitReconcile source git
frsbflux reconcile source bucketReconcile source bucket
frshflux reconcile source helmReconcile source helm
frsoflux reconcile source ociReconcile source oci
frhrflux reconcile helmreleaseReconcile helmrelease
frhrsflux reconcile helmrelease --with-sourceReconcile helmrelease with source
fraflux reconcile alertReconcile alert
frapflux reconcile alert-providerReconcile alert-provider
frirflux reconcile image repositoryReconcile image repository
friuflux reconcile image updateReconcile image update
frrflux reconcile receiverReconcile receiver
fsaflux suspend alertSuspend alert
fshflux suspend helmreleaseSuspend helmrelease
fsirflux suspend image repositorySuspend image repository
fsiuflux suspend image updateSuspend image update
fskflux suspend kustomizationSuspend kustomization
fsrflux suspend receiverSuspend receiver
fssgflux suspend source gitSuspend source git
fsscflux suspend source chartSuspend source chart
fssbflux suspend source bucketSuspend source bucket
fsshflux suspend source helmSuspend source helm
fssoflux suspend source ociSuspend source oci
freaflux resume alertResume alert
frehflux resume helmreleaseResume helmrelease
freirflux resume image repositoryResume image repository
freiuflux resume image updateResume image update
frekflux resume kustomizationResume kustomization
frerflux resume receiverResume receiver
fresgflux resume source gitResume source git
frescflux resume source chartResume source chart
fresbflux resume source bucketResume source bucket
freshflux resume source helmResume source helm
fresoflux resume source ociResume source oci