

Text - Simple 1 Class Text Manipulation Library

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Do you remember PHP's string functions? If not, just wrap you text with Text! It will save a minute on your coding.

Text is extracted from kzykhys/Ciconia. this is used for markdown processing.


Modify your composer.json and run php composer.phar update

    "require": {



Get Started

Text acts like a string


use KzykHys\Text\Text;

$text = new Text('Lorem Ipsum');
echo $text;

// Lorem Ipsum

Text can also be called statically


use KzykHys\Text\Text;

$text = Text::create('Lorem Ipsum');
echo $text;

// Lorem Ipsum

Manipulation methods are chainable:

$text = new Text('foo');
    ->append('bar')     // foobar
    ->prepend('baz')    // bazfoobar
    ->wrap('-')         // -bazfoobar-
    ->upper()           // -BAZFOOBAR-
    ->lower()           // -bazfoobar-
    ->trim('-')         // bazfoobar
    ->rtrim('r')        // bazfooba
    ->ltrim('b')        // azfooba

Special note for replace()

$text = new Text('FooBarBaz');
$text->replace('/Foo(Bar)(Baz)/', function (Text $whole, Text $bar, Text $baz) {
    return $bar->upper()->append($baz->lower());
echo $text;

// BARbaz

If the second argument is callable, callback takes at least one parameter. The whole match being first, and matched subpatterns. All parameters are Text instance.


Manipulation (Chainable)

create($text)Create a new Text instance.
append($text)Append the string.
prepend($text)Prepend the string.
wrap($start, [$end])Surround text with given string.
lower()Make a string lowercase.
upper()Make a string uppercase.
trim([$charList])Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
rtrim([$charList])Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string.
ltrim([$charList])Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string.
escapeHtml([$option])Convert special characters to HTML entities.
replace($pattern, $replacement)Perform a regular expression search and replace. If $replacement is the callable, a callback that will be called and passed an array of matched elements in the subject string.
replaceString($search, $replace)Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
indent([$spaces])Add one level of line-leading spaces.
outdent([$spaces])Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces.
detab([$spaces])Convert tabs to spaces.
eachLine($callback)Apply a user function to every line of the string.


isEmpty()Determine whether a variable is empty
isNumeric()Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
match($pattern, [&$matches])Perform a regular expression match


split($pattern, [$flags])Split string by a regular expression
lines([$pattern])Split string by a line break
chars()Convert a string to an array
length()Gets the length of a string
countLines()Gets the number of lines
indexOf($needle, [$offset])Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string


save($path)Write a string to a file


The MIT License


Kazuyuki Hayashi (@kzykhys)