


Provides the Sleet.Azure package for easily pushing packages to Azure storage-backed feeds


See https://www.nuget.org/packages/Sleet.Azure


You must provide the following three required properties:

    <!-- Azure storage account to use -->
    <StorageAccount Condition="'$(StorageAccount)' == ''" />
    <!-- Azure storage access key for the connection -->
    <StorageAccessKey Condition="'$(StorageAccessKey)' == ''" />
    <!-- Azure storage container name where the feed will be stored -->
    <StorageContainer Condition="'$(StorageContainer)' == ''" />

and optionally:

      Whether to validate and initialize the feed before pushing. 
      Defaults to 'true', which is expensive and can safely be 
      turned to 'false' after the first init/push operation.

You specify the packages to push via the Package item group:

    <Package Include="bin\*.nupkg" />

And then invoke the Push target. Optionally, invoke Init the first time you initialize the feed.