

<div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyu08/fzf-make/main/static/logo.png" />

fzf-make is a command line tool that executes make target using fuzzy finder with preview window.

License:MIT Latest Release crates.io

<p align="center"> [English] [<a href="doc/README-de.md">Deutsch</a>] [<a href="doc/README-fr.md">Français</a>] </p> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyu08/fzf-make/main/static/demo.gif" /> </div>

🛠️ Features

👓 Prerequisites

📦 Installation



You don't need to install bat because fzf-make will install it automatically via Homebrew.

# install
brew install kyu08/tap/fzf-make
# update 
brew update
brew upgrade fzf-make

Arch Linux

fzf-make can be installed from the AUR using an AUR helper. For example:

paru -S fzf-make

NixOS / Nix (package manager)

fzf-make can be run from the repository (latest version)

nix run github:kyu08/fzf-make

Or from the nixpkgs (channel >= 23.05)

nix run nixpkgs#fzf-make

Note You may need to enable experimental feature. In that case, execute the following command to enable them echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" | tee ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

OS-independent method


cargo install --locked fzf-make

💡 Usage

Run target using fuzzy finder

  1. Execute fzf-make in the directory include makefile(file name should be one of GNUmakefile, makefile, Makefile)
  2. Select make command you want to execute. If you type some characters, the list will be filtered. <img width="752" alt="demo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyu08/fzf-make/main/static/usage-main.png"> <img width="752" alt="demo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyu08/fzf-make/main/static/usage-type-characters.png">

Run target from history

  1. Execute fzf-make in the directory include makefile(file name should be one of GNUmakefile, makefile, Makefile)
  2. Press Tab to move to the history pane.
  3. Select make command you want to execute. <img width="752" alt="demo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyu08/fzf-make/main/static/usage-history.png">

Commands Supported

fzf-makeLaunch fzf-make
fzf-make --repeat / fzf-make -r / fzf-make repeatExecute last executed target
fzf-make --history / fzf-make -h / fzf-make historyLaunch fzf-make with the history pane focused
fzf-make --help / fzf-make helpShow help
fzf-make --version / fzf-make -v / fzf-make versionShow version

💻 Development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Change the codes
  3. Run make run

To execute test, run make test(needs nextest).


Or you can use nix to create a development shell with the project dependencies.

Within the repo root, execute the following command:

nix develop

👥 Contribution

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