

Digit Segmentation and Recognition using OpenCV and MLP

Digit Segmentation and Classification Using MLP and OpenCV on GoogleStreetView Data Base

To Run:

    cd scripts

    python main.py


    python main.py SCALE_FACTOR         

To specify a SCALE_FACTOR. SCALE_FACTOR controls the frame size: frame size = frame size / SCALE_FACTOR. SCALE_FACTOR by default is 4

Usage During Run Time:

    Press 'c' to take a screen shot for analysis
    The corpped images are saved under directory: OCR/pics/cropped/

    Press 'q' or 'ESC' to quit

    Press '1' to increase resized video frame for analysis by 20px
    Press '2' to decrease resized video frame for analysis by 20px

Author: Chenxing Ouyang & Jiali Xie