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KWStepper is a stepper control written in Swift. Unlike UIStepper, KWStepper allows for a fully customized UI and provides callbacks for tailoring the UX.

<p align="center"> <img src="screenshots.png" alt="KWStepper Screenshot"> </p>

KWStepper was initially created in Objective-C for Addo Label's Counters• and is now available in Swift for you to enjoy :grin:




KWStepper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:

pod 'KWStepper'


To integrate KWStepper using Carthage, add the following line to you Cartfile:

github "kyleweiner/KWStepper"

Swift Package Manager

To add KWStepper to your Xcode project via Swift Package Manager, select File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency… and enter the URL for this repository.


If you prefer not to use a dependency manager, simply copy the source files into your project.


Try the example project!

var stepper: KWStepper!

@IBOutlet weak var countLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var decrementButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var incrementButton: UIButton!
stepper = KWStepper(decrementButton: decrementButton, incrementButton: incrementButton)

Respond to control events using the valueChangedCallback property.

stepper.valueChangedCallback = { stepper in
    self.countLabel.text = String(stepper.value)

Or, use the target-action pattern.

stepper.addTarget(self, action: #selector(stepperDidChange), for: .valueChanged)

Configuring KWStepper

With the exception of the continuous property, KWStepper offers everything provided by UIStepper and more.

stepper.autoRepeat = true
stepper.autoRepeatInterval = 0.10
stepper.wraps = true
stepper.minimumValue = 0
stepper.maximumValue = 8
stepper.value = 0
stepper.incrementStepValue = 1
stepper.decrementStepValue = 1

Method chaining is also supported:

    .valueChanged { stepper in
        // ...

If necessary, the rounding behavior for incrementing and decrementing may be modified via roundingBehavior.


Adopting KWStepperDelegate provides the following optional delegate methods for tailoring the UX.


KWStepper provides the following callbacks:

Method chaining is supported for callbacks too:

    .valueChanged { _ in }
    .didDecrement { _ in }
    .didIncrement { _ in }
    .maxValueClamped { _ in }
    .minValueClamped { _ in }
    .longPressEnded { _ in }

// `maxValueClampedCallback` and `minValueClampedCallback` may be set simultaneously.
stepper.valueClamped { stepper in
    // ...

In the example project, valueChanged(_:) is used to update the count label text when the stepper value changes. valueClamped(:_) is used to present a UIAlertController when a limit is reached and the wraps property is set to false.


KWStepper was written by Kyle Weiner and contributors.


KWStepper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.