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graphi-diffusion Plugin


graphi-diffusion is a research driven plugin for Graphi
The plugin simulates social network users that observe information sharing behaviour using an agent-based model
Agents in the network are given decision making mechanisms where they can optimally choose which friend to pass information to as well as which friend to accept information. Agents can carry misinformation or factual information where they propogate this information and those that recieve it also endorse it and this information continues to diisseminate through the network. The plugin generates large random networks with information sharing agents where a set of the seeds carry misinformation, the agents then spread their information autonomously through the network and once complete, the plugin measures the proportion of misinformation and other diffusion behaviour measures such as propagation trees to observe the spread of a source

View Research Paper

Russell, K. (2017). Reducing the Propagation of Misinformation in Social Networks with Agent-Based Modelling Methods

Getting started



git clone https://github.com/kyleruss/graphi-diffusion-plugin.git


graphi-diffusion-plugin is available under the MIT License
See LICENSE for more details