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A fast Python Quantized Mesh encoder. Encodes a mesh with 100k coordinates and 180k triangles in 20ms. Example viewer.

The Grand Canyon and Walhalla Plateau. The mesh is created using pydelatin or pymartini, encoded using quantized-mesh-encoder, served on-demand using dem-tiler, and rendered with deck.gl.


Quantized Mesh is a format to encode terrain meshes for efficient client-side terrain rendering. Such files are supported in Cesium and deck.gl.

This library is designed to support performant server-side on-demand terrain mesh generation.


With pip:

pip install quantized-mesh-encoder

or with Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge quantized-mesh-encoder





Keyword arguments:


Ellipsoid used for mesh calculations.



Default WGS84 ellipsoid. Has a semi-major axis a of 6378137.0 meters and semi-minor axis b of 6356752.3142451793 meters.

Quantized Mesh Extensions

There are a variety of extensions to the Quantized Mesh spec.


Implements the Terrain Lighting extension. Per-vertex normals will be generated from your mesh data.

Keyword Arguments:


Implements the Water Mask extension.

Keyword Arguments:


Implements the Metadata extension.


Write to file

from quantized_mesh_encoder import encode
with open('output.terrain', 'wb') as f:
    encode(f, positions, indices)

Quantized mesh files are usually saved gzipped. An easy way to create a gzipped file is to use gzip.open:

import gzip
from quantized_mesh_encoder import encode
with gzip.open('output.terrain', 'wb') as f:
    encode(f, positions, indices)

Write to buffer

It's also pretty simple to write to an in-memory buffer instead of a file

from io import BytesIO
from quantized_mesh_encoder import encode
with BytesIO() as bio:
    encode(bio, positions, indices)

Or to gzip the in-memory buffer:

import gzip
from io import BytesIO
with BytesIO() as bio:
    with gzip.open(bio, 'wb') as gzipf:
        encode(gzipf, positions, indices)

Alternate Ellipsoid

By default, the WGS84 ellipsoid is used for all calculations. An alternate ellipsoid may be useful for non-Earth planetary bodies.

from quantized_mesh_encoder import encode, Ellipsoid

# From https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010EM%26P..106....1A/abstract
mars_ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(3_395_428, 3_377_678)

with open('output.terrain', 'wb') as f:
    encode(f, positions, indices, ellipsoid=mars_ellipsoid)

Quantized Mesh Extensions

from quantized_mesh_encoder import encode, VertexNormalsExtension, MetadataExtension

vertex_normals = VertexNormalsExtension(positions=positions, indices=indices)
metadata = MetadataExtension(data={'hello': 'world'})

with open('output.terrain', 'wb') as f:
    encode(f, positions, indices, extensions=(vertex_normals, metadata))

Generating the mesh

To encode a mesh into a quantized mesh file, you first need a mesh! This project was designed to be used with pydelatin or pymartini, fast elevation heightmap to terrain mesh generators.

import quantized_mesh_encoder
from imageio import imread
from pymartini import decode_ele, Martini, rescale_positions
import mercantile

png = imread(png_path)
terrain = decode_ele(png, 'terrarium')
terrain = terrain.T
martini = Martini(png.shape[0] + 1)
tile = martini.create_tile(terrain)
vertices, triangles = tile.get_mesh(10)

# Use mercantile to find the bounds in WGS84 of this tile
bounds = mercantile.bounds(mercantile.Tile(x, y, z))

# Rescale positions to WGS84
rescaled = rescale_positions(

with BytesIO() as f:
    quantized_mesh_encoder.encode(f, rescaled, triangles)
    return ("OK", "application/vnd.quantized-mesh", f.read())

You can also look at the source of _mesh() in dem-tiler for a working reference.


Much of this code is ported or derived from quantized-mesh-tile in some way. quantized-mesh-tile is also released under the MIT license.