


Advertisement: Check out the latest integrated project nerfstudio! There are a lot of recent improvements on nerf related methods, including instant-ngp!

<!-- ### Update 2022 July 29th: GUI prototype is available now (see following video)! ### Update 2022 July 24th: Training on custom data is possible now! ### Update 2022 July 14th: Multi-GPU training is available now! With multiple GPUs, now you can achieve high quality under a minute! -->

Instant-ngp (only NeRF) in pytorch+cuda trained with pytorch-lightning (high quality with high speed). This repo aims at providing a concise pytorch interface to facilitate future research, and am grateful if you can share it (and a citation is highly appreciated)!

:paintbrush: Gallery


Other representative videos are in GALLERY.md

:computer: Installation

This implementation has strict requirements due to dependencies on other libraries, if you encounter installation problem due to hardware/software mismatch, I'm afraid there is no intention to support different platforms (you are welcomed to contribute).



:books: Supported Datasets

  1. NSVF data

Download preprocessed datasets (Synthetic_NeRF, Synthetic_NSVF, BlendedMVS, TanksAndTemples) from NSVF. Do not change the folder names since there is some hard-coded fix in my dataloader.

  1. NeRF++ data

Download data from here.

  1. Colmap data

For custom data, run colmap and get a folder sparse/0 under which there are cameras.bin, images.bin and points3D.bin. The following data with colmap format are also supported:

  1. RTMV data

Download data from here. To convert the hdr images into ldr images for training, run python misc/prepare_rtmv.py <path/to/RTMV>, it will create images/ folder under each scene folder, and will use these images to train (and test).

:key: Training

Quickstart: python train.py --root_dir <path/to/lego> --exp_name Lego

It will train the Lego scene for 30k steps (each step with 8192 rays), and perform one testing at the end. The training process should finish within about 5 minutes (saving testing image is slow, add --no_save_test to disable). Testing PSNR will be shown at the end.

More options can be found in opt.py.

For other public dataset training, please refer to the scripts under benchmarking.

:mag_right: Testing

Use test.ipynb to generate images. Lego pretrained model is available here

GUI usage: run python show_gui.py followed by the same hyperparameters used in training (dataset_name, root_dir, etc) and add the checkpoint path with --ckpt_path <path/to/.ckpt>

Comparison with torch-ngp and the paper

I compared the quality (average testing PSNR on Synthetic-NeRF) and the inference speed (on Lego scene) v.s. the concurrent work torch-ngp (default settings) and the paper, all trained for about 5 minutes:

torch-ngp31.4618.22080 Ti
mine32.9636.22080 Ti
instant-ngp paper33.18603090

As for quality, mine is slightly better than torch-ngp, but the result might fluctuate across different runs.

As for speed, mine is faster than torch-ngp, but is still only half fast as instant-ngp. Speed is dependent on the scene (if most of the scene is empty, speed will be faster).

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11364490/176800109-38eb35f3-e145-4a09-8304-1795e3a4e8cd.png", width="45%"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11364490/176800106-fead794f-7e70-4459-b99e-82725fe6777e.png", width="45%"> <br> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11364490/180444355-444676cf-2af2-49ad-9fe2-16eb1e6c4ef1.png", width="45%"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11364490/180444337-3df9f245-f7eb-453f-902b-0cb9dae60144.png", width="45%"> <br> <sup>Left: torch-ngp. Right: mine.</sup> </p>

:chart: Benchmarks

To run benchmarks, use the scripts under benchmarking.

Followings are my results trained using 1 RTX 2080 Ti (qualitative results here):

<details> <summary>Synthetic-NeRF</summary>
Training time3m9s3m12s4m17s5m53s4m55s4m7s9m20s5m5s5m00s
</details> <details> <summary>Synthetic-NSVF</summary>
Training time3m58s3m44s7m22s3m25s3m11s6m45s3m25s4m56s4m36s
</details> <details> <summary>Tanks and Temples</summary>

*Evaluated on test-traj

</details> <details> <summary>BlendedMVS</summary>
Training time6m31s7m15s4m50s5m57s6m48s

*I manually switch the background from black to white, so the number isn't directly comparable to that in the papers.

**Evaluated on test-traj
