

Responsive image replacement

Check out the example here.

resonsive-img.js is a lightweight plugin for fast, clean and easy responsive image replacement using to the viewport your visitor's browser. This way you can reduce the payload for your users by only letting them download the appropriate images for their device.

Have a look at the blog post here for a more in-depth description.


####Setting it up

To start using the plugin we only have to include the script in the footer of our document.

<script src='responsive-img.min.js'></script>

####HTML Structure

In the data-src attribute we specify the different breakpoints in combination with the image source it should use. In the data-src-base(optional) attribute we specify the base of our source urls.

<img alt='kitten!' data-src-base='demo/images/' data-src='<480:smallest.jpg,
													 	  >960:big.jpg' />

Using the HTML above the browser would load demo/images/smallest.jpg if the size of the viewport is below 480 pixels, demo/images/small.jpg if the size of the viewport is above 480 pixels and below 768 pixels, demo/images/medium.jpg if the size of viewport above 768 pixels and below 960 pixels and demo/images/big.jpg if the size of viewport above 960 pixels.

Let's also create a fallback for non-javascript browsers:

<noscript><img alt='kitten!' src='demo/images/medium.jpg' /></noscript>

That's all! We're up and running! ;)


The only required option is the data-src attribute. All of the options below can be used additionally.

data-src-baseattributeAdds a specified path before every image source path
data-src2xattributeCan be used instead of data-src if devicePixelRatio is above 1.2 (retina displays). Syntax is the same as data-src.
data-src-base2xattributeCan be used instead of data-src-base to specify a custom base path for devices were devicePixelRatio is above 1.2 (retina displays). Can be used in combination with both data-src and data-src-base or either one

Browser support

There are no known unsupported browsers. The plugin has currently been tested in the following browsers:


IE 11 DesktopWorks!
IE 11 Release PreviewWorks!
IE 10Works!
IE 9Works!
IE 8Works!
IE 7Works!
IE 6Works!
IE 5 (IE 10 desktop documentmode)Works!
Opera 10.6Works!
Opera 12.16Works!
Opera 15.0Works!
Opera 18.0 devWorks!
Safari 4.0Works!
Safari 5.0Works!
Safari 5.1Works!
Firefox 3Works!
Firefox 12Works!
Firefox 24Works!
Firefox 26 auroraWorks!
Chome 14Works!
Chome 19Works!
Chome 30Works!
Chome 31 devWorks!


Windows Phone 8.0 (IE 10 desktop documentmode)Works!
Windows Phone 7.0 (IE 10 desktop documentmode)Works!
Android 1.5Works!
Android 1.6Works!
Android 2.2Works!
Android 2.3Works!
Android 4.0Works!
Android 4.0 (tablet)Works!
Android 4.1Works!
Opera MobileWorks!
iOS 3.0Works!
iOS 3.2 (tablet)Works!
iOS 4.0Works!
iOS 4.3.2 (tablet)Works!
iOS 5.1Works!
iOS 6.0Works!
iOS 7.0Works!


######iOS Without meta width=device-width; some mobile devices will apply a standard width to it's viewport of 960px and return this to the javascript. This might cause the script to load an image which is to big for your visitors screen. Make sure to set a meta tag with width=device-width; in your website's head.


Let me know if you have idea’s or notice something, I would love to hear your feedback!