

Erlang Term Explorer (TX)

This app was created to fill the void in the data visualisation area. And to help you follow "know your data" paradigm. Basically it shows you your data in web browser via webserver listening to localhost.

What does it look like?

<img src="https://raw.github.com/kvakvs/tx/master/priv/img/readme_index.png" width="30%" /> <img src="https://raw.github.com/kvakvs/tx/master/priv/img/readme_show.png" width="30%" /> <img src="https://raw.github.com/kvakvs/tx/master/priv/img/readme_inspect_proplist.png" width="30%" />


How to begin

Add https://github.com/kvakvs/tx as your application dependency or download it and compile manually. Run your application as usual. When you need to see things, call tx:show(Term). in Erlang console or insert call to tx:show where you need it. URL is returned from tx:show, and Erlang shell will display it. NOTE: return value won't be displayed if you call tx:show in your code.

Application tx will be started automatically and web server will be opened on your first call of tx:show/1. Alternatively run tx manually via: tx:start().. Default port is 20000, and default host is localhost. You can set port to 0 in tx.app.src, to start on random available port.


Simple demo: tx:show(application:which_applications()).

All sorts of terms in one: tx:show([<<123,32,1>>, <<1:1, 3:5, 45:7>>, <<"test\ttest">>, 123, 123.321, make_ref(), self(), erlang:ports(), fun()->ok end, {fun erlang:ports/0, 'test', "test"}, [{test, value1}, {fgsfds, 1000}], [1,2,3|{4, [5|test]}]]).

R17 maps example: tx:show(#{k1 => "test", k2 => 'test', k3 => 123, k4 => <<"test">>}).


Possible things to add of improve