

Redis Package

Run of the Redis Package

This is a [Kurtosis Starlark Package]https://docs.kurtosis.com/starlark-reference/) that allows you to spin up a Redis instance.


This assumes you have the Kurtosis CLI installed

Simply run

kurtosis run github.com/kurtosis-tech/redis-package

Using this in your own package

Kurtosis Packages can be used within other Kurtosis Packages, through what we call composition internally. Assuming you want to spin up Redis and your own service together you just need to do the following

main_redis_module = import_module("github.com/kurtosis-tech/redis-package/main.star")

# main.star of your Cassandra + Service package
def run(plan, args):
    plan.print("Spinning up the Redis Package")
    # this will spin up Redis and return the output of the Redis package
    redis_run_output = main_redis_module.run(plan, args)